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Preserving the male essence/seed

The Matrix
for increased healing potential and higher serum testosterone levels.
boxers and athletes do it to increase their performance.
it is said to strengthen arms and legs and increase clarity.

i've practised this for many years and have found it to be most beneficial to helping me deal with illness.

doing energy work like qui gong or tai chi can help transmmute the increased energy that results, to stop it getting "stuck" and causing anxiety, which is really due to healing from increased vibrancy.

men are generally overly fixated on base energy endeavours like money, sex and survival, perhaps due to being deficient in this area. in advanced tai chi the rule of thumb is "twice in summer, once in winter".

here are the results of a study of the affects of ejaculation on testosterone levels. seems they don't recover for a minimum of 7 days.


this geezer's quite good at explaining the benefits. is it possible that men are flitting away what some consider the most powerfull life force in the male body?



Senior Member
I'm sure the scientists here could explain testosterone is just one the many hormones circulating - that is it - what more are you looking for.


Senior Member
I just had a Dr. Strangelove moment.

I think recent scientific studies have shown men who have sex at least 2x/week are healthier than those who don't.
The Matrix
I'm sure the scientists here could explain testosterone is just one the many hormones circulating - that is it - what more are you looking for.

i don't understand, i'm not looking for anything? the study was about testosterone and how it's affected by ejaculation.
The Matrix
I just had a Dr. Strangelove moment.

I think recent scientific studies have shown men who have sex at least 2x/week are healthier than those who don't.

this is nothing to do with sex but ejaculation and i could link a study that shows higher prostrate cancer the more you masturbate/ejaculate. http://www.webmd.com/prostate-cancer/news/20090127/masturbation-and-prostate-cancer-risk sexual activity/arousal is fine in this thinking but expending the seed is not. but then i'm not keen on "scientific studies" in general...how many pharmacuetical meds have been proven "safe" by scientific studies only to be found to be deadly later on? these ideas are the cornerstones of tantric sex, as far as males are concerned, and having a healthy balanced sex life.

this vid also goes into prostrate health and semen retention http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=gBMPVLxpIiQ

i'll share a few more "insights" from discussing this on other forums and hearing what other's say in regard to preservation...

everyone who tries it has nothing bad to say about it and find returning to the previous habits unwellcoming..
you cease to think about sex and hence no longer objectify women..
increase in physical performance in general, particularly the arms and legs, and greater sexual function.
more confidence
greater mental alertness
increase in intuition
feel more "human"

one idea is that after the gonads have filled then energy flows upwards into the other glands of the body and that this increases their performance in digestion (pancreas adrenal), breathing and even talking(thyroid) and thinking. glands have an "awarenes" associated with them as well, some believe. but sexual energy is the base motor for this and if the nads never fill then you cannot go further and maybe greatly restricting your potential in many aspects of life.

when you invert sex energy, i.e. cause it to build up and flow inwards and upwards to the brain rather than expending it downwards and outwards, the hit or buzz you get in your head from sex, drink or drugs can be had to a degree, constantly, in a way that not only does not deplete it may strengthen. and this will occur in some degree in anyone who tries it i feel.

i do believe that it is most definately a topic that one must try and experiment with to be able have a both sides understanding of. this is not to say you can't have an opinion else, as i have opinions on everything i've never tried lol, but the affects, that i believe you WILL find, are so marked and beneficial, that all who try it will be converted...but then it maybe your natural state. so many benefits are felt by those who try it that i can't see how it can be unhealthy.

"try before you buy" as we used to say on the fruit n veg store
The Matrix
this guy explains it well too, though the first 2 vids in the previous posts are more indepth i feel



it could be one of the most powerfull tools for health a man has and he achieves by literally doing nothing, what could be easier?


Senior Member
Sth Australia
athletes do it to increase their performance.

I wouldnt think that is the usual thing thou in athlete circles as I havent heard of that one with them. What I have heard is that athletes are more likely to have girls... from what I know about the body and babies sexes is that girls tend to happen more in those who have more sex due to a couple of biological reasons which I wont go into here... so in view of this.. I'd think the athletes were having more sex. (but yeah I do understand sex dont equal actual sexual release thou I know for most humans it does).

I do know where what you are saying is coming from about the belief of holding in sexual energy and with transmutation can raise energy up. My Yogi teacher and yogi teachings I used to follow, hold that belief and we use sexual energy for interlectual development etc rather then waste it.

Unfortunately my yogi energetic practices have gone out of the window with this illness.. (I can raise my energy up but its contaminated (seems main contamination with ME from my observation of energy and what its doing, seems to be around the spleen).. so all it ends up doing is congests and blocks.

I dont want to energetic congest further so Im on leave one can say, from any energy raising practices, till my condition or energetic body improves.
The Matrix
I wouldnt think that is the usual thing thou in athlete circles as I havent heard of that one with them. What I have heard is that athletes are more likely to have girls... from what I know about the body and babies sexes is that girls tend to happen more in those who have more sex due to a couple of biological reasons which I wont go into here... so in view of this.. I'd think the athletes were having more sex. (but yeah I do understand sex dont equal actual sexual release thou I know for most humans it does).

I do know where what you are saying is coming from about the belief of holding in sexual energy and with transmutation can raise energy up. My Yogi teacher and yogi teachings I used to follow, hold that belief and we use sexual energy for interlectual development etc rather then waste it.

Unfortunately my yogi energetic practices have gone out of the window with this illness.. (I can raise my energy up but its contaminated (seems main contamination with ME from my observation of energy and what its doing, seems to be around the spleen).. so all it ends up doing is congests and blocks.

I dont want to energetic congest further so Im on leave one can say, from any energy raising practices, till my condition or energetic body improves.

hi there, yes i doubt the majority of athletes practise sexual energy preservation.

i would also agree that actively trying to raise energy can be unhelpful when the tissues are toxic. leaving it, allowing it to build naturally and gently shifting it as it rises, would be another matter altogether i feel. nature knows only balance, if the mind is not interfering, it can only bring a greater stasis. mentally directing it where it has not the purity or energy to flow freely will, i agree, cause problems.

it should also be noted that what "gives" life in a man, i.e. essence/sexual energy, is more readily lost during sexual intercourse or masturbation than it is for a woman; it is harder for women to lose sexual energy and thus understand it's affects on the male constitution. i find in general that women are generally more interested in altruistic pursuits, have more compassion, less fixation with sex, survival, money etc..not that one shouldn't contemplate these but men usually do it to the n'th.

i'm not into into tantra per se but can appreciate the common sense, to me at least, ideas on physical health that preservation can help. animals generally have seasons and abstain for long periods and though we can have sex purely for enjoyment, unlike animals, are bodies are still subject to physical world laws of needing hormonal balance and the like and that is all that is being addressed here. have you ever noticed how young lads become coarse at the start of their teens and how most men over 27 seem to lose their ooomph and masculinity. just because the majority of men can't leave it alone doesn't ipso facto make it normal, though of course the opposite "victorian" extreme is not helpfull either. peace~

first link i came across, by NO MEANS conclusive of course but interesting that it was on tv, i shall research further.http://uk.answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20110513142226AAtilfu
The Matrix
this was quite interesting reading with guidelines. note though that the ability for a man with m.e. to replenish spent essence is going to be less than a "healthy" male..


quote "However, when ejaculation frequency exceeds the capacity of the body to fully replenish semen, men can experience chronic fatique, low resistance, loss of sexual drive, loss of focus and irritability. Long term excessive ejaculation can cause chronic low zinc conditions which can cause chronic fatique, mental confusion and significant loss of sexual drive."

it does seem from a net search that sexual energy preservation in athletes is practised. the affects of ejaculation on testosterone levels also seem quite well known.

so why take tesosterone and zinc from external sources when you can build it from within, in a way that's balanced and beneficial for the body.


Northern Vermont

I think the key pint er I mean point here is based on what a "a healthy male" actually is. We are all different. Since this illness I am not healthy. There is also so much social stigma and political stigma applied to male seminal practices that science, myth and disease do make make good bed fellows. ME or CFS certainly dysregulate our brain. Our healthy DNA program to re-produce becomes un-healthy.

this was quite interesting reading with guidelines. note though that the ability for a man with m.e. to replenish spent essence is going to be less than a "healthy" male..


quote "However, when ejaculation frequency exceeds the capacity of the body to fully replenish semen, men can experience chronic fatique, low resistance, loss of sexual drive, loss of focus and irritability. Long term excessive ejaculation can cause chronic low zinc conditions which can cause chronic fatique, mental confusion and significant loss of sexual drive."

it does seem from a net search that sexual energy preservation in athletes is practised. the affects of ejaculation on testosterone levels also seem quite well known.

so why take tesosterone and zinc from external sources when you can build it from within, in a way that's balanced and beneficial for the body.
The Matrix

I think the key pint er I mean point here is based on what a "a healthy male" actually is. We are all different. Since this illness I am not healthy. There is also so much social stigma and political stigma applied to male seminal practices that science, myth and disease do make make good bed fellows. ME or CFS certainly dysregulate our brain. Our healthy DNA program to re-produce becomes un-healthy.

hi Xandoff, thanks for your points. i wouldn't clarify what a healthy male is. i'm interested in what makes a male unhealthy and how he might gain health. when you say "science, myth and disease make good bedfellows" what are you trying to convey? are you saying if i listen to mthy or science i'm bound to illness? i practise this and know it's affects so there's no mythology for me. the chinese spent thousands of years experimenting with these practises. proof is in ther pudding if you care to eat? it is something that must be experienced to understand/believe/know, regards


Senior Member
Interesting post, thanks.
Seems like St Paul, Catholics, Orthodox, and all the great mystics of the past couple of millennia were right all along...


Senior Member
What were they right about ???

Mystics involved with hormones - unlikely.
The Matrix
Interesting post, thanks.
Seems like St Paul, Catholics, Orthodox, and all the great mystics of the past couple of millennia were right all along...

hiya man, certainly as far as this topic is concerned they may have been, though i've not encountered their angle on it, so couldn't comment for sure. in some ways the allusion to tantra and mysticism is unfortunate as it puts some people off looking into the topic, but then we can look past the labels and titles if we want and find out the truth for ourselves. at the end of the day it's a practise that requires no belief system or denomination fortunately, peace~


Senior Member
Virginia, USA
is it possible that men are flitting away what some consider the most powerfull life force in the male body?

In a word, no!

Healthy people have more sex than people with chronic diseases. Healthy people also have higher testosterone levels. If we were to draw a conclusion on this association, would be that people who have more sex have higher testosterone levels.

Mya Symons

Mya Symons
I just had a Dr. Strangelove moment.

I think recent scientific studies have shown men who have sex at least 2x/week are healthier than those who don't.

This sounds like something my husband would tell me. Only he would up the amount a bit.:D


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australia (brisbane)
All i can say is that pre cfs, if i couldnt get rid of some dirty water regularly, my mind wouldnt be able to concentrate on anything but one thing, plus i would be a cranky bugger, maybe a male version of PMT, lol.
