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Fall MOLD ALLERGIES--what to do?


work in progress
N. California
Hello everybody--

For the past week I've been having some rather nasty fall mold allergies. My muscles ache, eyes feel sticky and worst of all I am SO WIRED that my sleep is going to hell. I think it's big time inflammation and histamine reaction.

I can't take medications. Even Benadryl makes me more wired.

Does anyone have any ideas what might help with this? I have tried the usual--pcynogenol and quercitin, bit they are not working very well.

Thanks for any ideas.


Senior Member
I can relate to not tolerating drugs, so I attack allergy from the immune side, but what works for me might not for you, but two things have helped my seasonal allergies a lot.

Symbiotics Colostrum Plus has helped me, and other family members, with CFS and seasonal allergies, more than anything, and it works pretty quick. I only take 1 cap a day. 2 a day on empty stomach would be good if you do not immune activate from it. I get mine at iHerb.com

Another supplement that helps with Th1/Th2 balance, thus allergies, is ImmunExtra, and it may inhibit viruses/retroviruses according to a study I read once.

We are out of balance and shifted more toward allergy. From their website (I have been on this for years):

""ImmunExtra is the only immune product containing patented Proligna, a natural water extract of pinecones that has been shown to enhance the production of human dendritic cells 9 fold in 9 days. More recently, laboratory research has shown that Immunxtra reduces the Th2 arm of the immune system while at the same time promoting the Th1 arm of the immune system."


Hysterical Woman

Senior Member
East Coast

""ImmunExtra is the only immune product containing patented Proligna, a natural water extract of pinecones that has been shown to enhance the production of human dendritic cells 9 fold in 9 days. More recently, laboratory research has shown that Immunxtra reduces the Th2 arm of the immune system while at the same time promoting the Th1 arm of the immune system."


Hi Summer,

Thanks for the info. There is a lot on that website, but is there any way there is a direct link to the info on this product and the Th2/Th1 parts of the immune system?




Senior Member
Hi Summer,

Thanks for the info. There is a lot on that website, but is there any way there is a direct link to the info on this product and the Th2/Th1 parts of the immune system?



Hi Maxine,

It's one of those new fangled websites where the pages are javascript, so the only thing I know to tell you to do, is go to the main site and click the "Proligna" Tab. That is where I found the quote I copy/pasted about Th1/Th2.


work in progress
N. California
Hi Summer--

Thanks for your recommendations. :)

I have taken colostrum in the past and never felt much benefit from it. But the Proligna is something I've never tried, so thanks for that. Will check it out!

Hysterical Woman

Senior Member
East Coast
Proligna/Pinecone extract

Hi Maxine,

It's one of those new fangled websites where the pages are javascript, so the only thing I know to tell you to do, is go to the main site and click the "Proligna" Tab. That is where I found the quote I copy/pasted about Th1/Th2.

Hi Summer,

Looks like the Proligna might be pinecone extract.

Here is a link to a site where Dr. Cheney talks about pinecone extract and taking it for CFS. Having said that, I know there are some who don't like Cheney and think he changes what he focuses on too much (and charges too much). I am not a patient of his and I am not suggesting to anyone that they take the pinecone extract. Please don't beat me up, I hurt too much already! :)


Any one out there tried pine cone extract? Experiences? Does this belong on another thread?




Senior Member
Hi Summer--

Thanks for your recommendations. :)

I have taken colostrum in the past and never felt much benefit from it. But the Proligna is something I've never tried, so thanks for that. Will check it out!
Hi dreambirdie, proligna is what is in ImmunExtra that helps T1/T2 balance. No other pine cone supplement contains this, is my understanding.

Good luck! :)