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Heart clicking


Senior Member
Sth Australia
I had my heart making a quite distinctive click sound with each beat the other night when I woke up after a nightmare. (My heart dont react right when Im scared, it dont increase with fear..usually very slow when Ive awoken due to a nightmare). Im about to research what causes heart clicks and thought I'd just post asking if anyone else is getting that happening?


Moderation Resource Albuquerque
I had my heart making a quite distinctive click sound with each beat the other night when I woke up after a nightmare. (My heart dont react right when Im scared, it dont increase with fear..usually very slow when Ive awoken due to a nightmare). Im about to research what causes heart clicks and thought I'd just post asking if anyone else is getting that happening?

The clicks they hear with a stethoscope are usually mitral valve prolapse. That is how mine was first detected.



Senior Member
hello hope you are doing well...you really should see your doctor if this is something new...seems like these illness brings another million things along with it...but its always best to have looked at..
let us all know how your doing..take care


Senior Member
Sth Australia
Thanks hurting and Sushi

Ive been doing some research and there isnt many things at all which cause heart clicks.

"With the advent of newer, non-invasive imaging techniques, the origin of other, so-called adventitial sounds or heart clicks has been appreciated. These are short, high-pitched sounds.

1/ The atrioventricular valves of patients with mitral stenosis may open with an opening snap[1][2] on the beginning of diastole.
2/ Patients with mitral valve prolapse may have a mid-systolic click along with a murmur.[3]
3/ Aortic and pulmonary stenosis may cause an ejection click[4] immediately after S1.

Ive strongly suspected I have a mitral valve prolapse for a while as my last heart tests showed two different leaking heart valves (including my mitral valve was leaking) and when I looked those up trying to find cause as I DID NOT have these previously in 2 other previous heart investigations so I know I havent always had these, only got them in past few years (I think my heart is damaging possibly due to the high BP incidents I get due to the ME??). I found out that both those heart valve leaking, was strong indication for a person having a MPV (MPV commonly causes the heart valve issues).

So this new heart click is just another indication that once again doctors may be missing things. So I just gone throu my last heart tests (got them from full last appointment I had with my CFS specialist as he wants me to take them to them to the pathology professor with me next week) and have just discovered they did though investigations into everything except my mitral valve :eek:

sighs.. as ME peoples main heart issue is with MVP (Dr Cheney talks about this in his stuff and says it develops as a compensatory thing to stop other major issues happening), its irronic that that was the only thing in the heart tests the heart specialists Ive been to didnt check out in detail like they did on my other heart valves.

I just found an easy to understand talk on MVP (which my dial up connection actually let me listen to something for once) thou its about it in kids who would have it from birth, its an interesting talk on it. http://kidshealth.org/kid/health_problems/heart/mvp.html . It talks about possible complications in MPV including the need to keep teeth very clean as they flapping about heart valve can pick up things eg bacteria can lodge on the loose heart valves and that one should have yearly heart checks if one has this issue. ***wonders if that is what happened to that Casey person who died of heart complications due to the ME***


Hi Tania,
This all sounds very unpleasant.
I do have mitral valve prolapse, which I believe can be caused by CFS (thought there's no proof, because many people have it without CFS of course). But I've never heard it click, I think that can only be heard with a stethoscope.
Has year heart clicked again since that incident?

I was wondering if your ears of brain were playing tricks on you after the nightmare. Since having this illness I have sometimes had very weird sensations, feeling and smelling things that weren't there or seeing non-existent lights.... I was wondering if the sounds could have been one of thsoe weird CFS symptoms?

Whatever it was, I hope it doesn't happen again.
Sending you some hugs,


Senior Member
Sth Australia
Hi Tania,
This all sounds very unpleasant.
I do have mitral valve prolapse, which I believe can be caused by CFS (thought there's no proof, because many people have it without CFS of course). But I've never heard it click, I think that can only be heard with a stethoscope.
Has year heart clicked again since that incident?

I was wondering if your ears of brain were playing tricks on you after the nightmare. Since having this illness I have sometimes had very weird sensations, feeling and smelling things that weren't there or seeing non-existent lights.... I was wondering if the sounds could have been one of thsoe weird CFS symptoms?

Whatever it was, I hope it doesn't happen again.
Sending you some hugs,

I was listening to it throu a stethoscope. I keep one hanging on the bed due to various heart symptoms Ive had in the past (so Im also very aware of what my heart is supposed to sound like). It wasnt my imagination, it was very loud and the click was dominating all other sounds when it occurred.

Ive been studying my heart for a while trying to be 100% sure it dont react in the way it should when I have fear, Ive seen what seems to be an abnormality... no heart reaction to fear, over and over again. (Im starting to think that fear states may be at times caused by my heart beat going actually too slow at times and that actually then making me go into a nightmare).


Senior Member
Sth Australia
im now researching the slow heart beat stuff

"Doctors say someone has a slow heart rate ("bradycardia") when the pace is fewer than 60 beats per minute.

The most common and best reason to have a slow heart rate is to be physically fit. If you exercise more, your heart can supply your body when it is at rest with fewer beats per minute. " http://health.msn.com/health-topics/heart-and-cardiovascular/causes-of-slow-heart-rate

One 24 hr monitoring showed my heart rate goes to 51 beats per minute when Im asleep so it must be going lower then that at times. (I dont know if that is normal or not in someone who cant exercise but from what Im reading, it dont seem to be a normal thing).

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Bradycardia (Greek ???????????, bradykarda, "heart slowness"), in the context of adult medicine, is the resting heart rate of under 60 beats per minute, though it is seldom symptomatic until the rate drops below 50 beat/min. It may cause cardiac arrest in some patients, because those with bradycardia may not be pumping enough oxygen to their heart." http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bradycardia

I once actually fainted when I was in bed almost asleep. (I knew I'd fainted cause I got my normal fainting symptoms that I do when Im up on my feet and faint so it was quite clear that I'd passed out rather then gone to sleep).

I think Im going to bring this up with the professor Im seeing today.


Senior Member
Since I'm sick, my heart rate is about 50 bpm during the day.

If you still have these clicks, I think you should go to doctor instead of doing your own research.


Hi Tania,

Have you ever had your heart checked with an ultrsound scan using echo-doppler?
That was the one that measured the gradual demise of my heart valves - they played the noise to me over a speaker, it sounded like whooshing when the valves were leaky then a kind of slapping once they prolapsed - which I suppose you could call a click. Maybe that would be a useful test for you??

I think Svetoslav is right that you need to see a good cardiologist and get very thoroughly checked out. They did tell me that your mitral and tricuspid valves can go from fine to prolapsed very quickly.

As far as bradycardia goes, that is actually very common in CFS, particularly while asleep. My heart used to go up to 250 beats in the day and down to 40 at night, but constantly fluctuating. There was constant skipped and irregular beats too, it got so bad a had a heart operation and that fixed it. The jury is still out as to whether that was damage related to CFS or a separate issue, but I definitely know from several threads on PR that bradycardia is very common among us PWCs. And from those same threads, there was nobody whose out what do do about it! :-(

I do remember the user CBS (who used to be called comebackshane) put up some informative posts as he did a lot of research and had a good cardiologist who did research for him too, so it may be worth doing a search for his posts.

I do hope you can get this figured out.