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Testing for EBV

Just wondered if anyone can give some advice regarding testing for Epstein Barr and other Herpes viruses.

I have in the past had blood work done, but the results apparently show that i have had a past infection with EBV, which of course i already know as this is how i got ill in the first place and the start of all my problems. I had a CMV test which again just shows that i have had it in the past.

The fact that i always get such positive effects from Valtrex, would indicate that EBV is a problem for me. I believe that CMV does not respond well to Valtrex? But of course i would like to have some sort of evidence of that. So what test would need to be done to determine that? The tests that my G.P requests seem to be a bit basic by the looks of things.



iherb 10% discount code OPA989,
australia (brisbane)
If u cant get titres measured which is the case in australia and you have igg antibodies to ebv and cmv showing past infections, the next best test i have found that can potentially show these viruses are reactivating is a lymphocyte sub set, cd8 lymphocytes are known to be elevated when these viruses reactivated, although not 100%, its the next best thing and has proven effective for me. If these cd8 levels are high then u would be a good candidate for antivirals. Av's have slowly decreased my cd8 levels to normal after 12 months of treatment and have had symptom improvement, although not 100%. Valtrex is the go for ebv but if u have hhv6 and or cmv as well then your best bet would be famvir or valcyte. also u may find u have more then just cd8 numbers high which was my case but they all eventually came down to normal.
If u cant get titres measured which is the case in australia and you have igg antibodies to ebv and cmv showing past infections, the next best test i have found that can potentially show these viruses are reactivating is a lymphocyte sub set, cd8 lymphocytes are known to be elevated when these viruses reactivated, although not 100%, its the next best thing and has proven effective for me. If these cd8 levels are high then u would be a good candidate for antivirals. Av's have slowly decreased my cd8 levels to normal after 12 months of treatment and have had symptom improvement, although not 100%. Valtrex is the go for ebv but if u have hhv6 and or cmv as well then your best bet would be famvir or valcyte. also u may find u have more then just cd8 numbers high which was my case but they all eventually came down to normal.

Thanks very much for the info Heapsreal. We don't seem to have the titre tests here in the UK either, my G.P requested them from the labs last time i was ill and all she got back was a very basic result.

I've not heard of a lymphocyte test before. Here in the UK we have a White Blood Cell (WBC) Count test, which i have found out the following about:

"The WBC is really a nonparameter, since it simply represents the sum of the counts of granulocytes, lymphocytes, and monocytes per unit volume of whole blood. Automated counters do not distinguish bands from segs; however, it has been shown that if all other hematologic parameters are within normal limits, such a distinction is rarely important"

would this be the same thing? or is there a separate lymphocyte test?



iherb 10% discount code OPA989,
australia (brisbane)
commonly elevated lymphocytes can indicate viral infections and a particular lymphocyte called a cd8 cell is commonly elevated with herpes infections like ebv,cmv and hhv6, so at best is an indication that viruses are reactivating. I had antibodies to past infection to cmv and the cd8 being high could possible be from my cmv. Antivirals have provewn this right as with improvement so does this cd8 count . other particular lymphoxytes werer also high and came down with av's.

Its called a lymphocyte sub set test, so have a google and see what u get, also google cd8 lymphocyte with ebv, see what u get.



Senior Member
Here in the states I have these tests run for herpes viruses: http://chronicfatigue.stanford.edu/infections/herpes-tests.html

In addition, this test is run for EBV: http://www.focusdx.com/focus/1-refe...&S2=1&test=&sp=40480&Keyword=EBV IgA#an_40480

My lymphocyte subset panel tests show low CD19, low CD4 and the rest (like CD8) are barely in the reference range, so my experience is different than heapsreal's. I see my doctors in a week and will be interested to get their thoughts on my antibody tests and my lymphocytes. I am not at this time battling EBV or CMV, but HHV-6 may be an issue (it has been in the past for me). HSV 1, Coxsackie B and Cpn are problems for me (as far as we can tell).

Best, Timaca
I saw my doctor yesterday and asked about the blood work that i had carried out recently.

My full blood count shows mylymphocyte count as 1.9 x 10 9/l. Normal reference range is 1.5 to 4.0 x 10 9/l.
So i am in normal reference range but on the lower end of the scale so I don't know if that means anything or not?

I am trying to get a referral to see an immunologist to get a better understanding and to hopefully get some more tests done.



iherb 10% discount code OPA989,
australia (brisbane)
I saw my doctor yesterday and asked about the blood work that i had carried out recently.

My full blood count shows mylymphocyte count as 1.9 x 10 9/l. Normal reference range is 1.5 to 4.0 x 10 9/l.
So i am in normal reference range but on the lower end of the scale so I don't know if that means anything or not?

I am trying to get a referral to see an immunologist to get a better understanding and to hopefully get some more tests done.

It is on the low side and maybe good to get it tested every 6 months or so to keep an eye on it but a lymphocyte sub set test will give u a break down of the different lymphocytes and natural killer cells. A basic rulle is that if they are high your immune system is fighting some type of infection and if low your immune system is tiring out, this is when things like astragalus and other herbal immune stimulants are normally used, i have never noticed a big difference but blood work has showed it helped my immune system. I had a low cd4:8 ratio which is a marker they use for immune health in HIV, using an astragalus formula with other herbs help correct this, did i notice a difference in how i felt , not really but maybe i could have got worse.

Hopefully your immunologist is helpful, maybe dont mention cfs to them, maybe word it like you are run down and feel like you have a virus that your not recovering from and wanted to see him as your lymphocytes were borderline low.
