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Successfull GcMAF Therapy

Berlin Germany
There is about one page (A4) about my successfull GcMAF therapy in Brussels. Translating it myself from German would take some time. Is there someone out who could translate it faster so I can post it here?
There is about one page (A4) about my successfull GcMAF therapy in Brussels. Translating it myself from German would take some time. Is there someone out who could translate it faster so I can post it here?

Hi eikmar,

You may post it here and i will translate it to english when i see it. Thank you for sharing.

Berlin Germany
Eine Erfolgreiche XMRV/MLV - Therapie

Mein erster Besuch bei Prof. Dr. Kenny DeMeirleir (KDM) in Brssel, damals noch in der Vrieje Universiteit, fand am 12.12.2005 statt. Nach kurzer Durchsicht der Befunde und ein paar wenigen Fragen uerte KDM: Ich wei, was Sie haben, ich kann ihnen helfen, dass es Ihnen besser geht, aber ich kann Sie nicht gesund machen. Wir unterhielten uns inzwischen auf deutsch, zuvor hatte ich noch auf englisch berichtet: I have it all my life. Den Inhalt dieser Bemerkung besttigte KDM Ende 2009. Nach der Bell'schen Skala lag mein Energieniveau bei ca. 30 %. Subjektiv fhlte ich mich wie ein lebender Leichnam.

Insgesamt war ich inzwischen (bis zum 30.08.2011) zwanzig Mal, also ca. alle drei Monate, in Brssel.

Im Oktober 2010 wurde MLV related virus aus EDTA Vollblut identifiziert. Im Dezember 2010 aus einer neuen Probe XMRV.

Ende November 2010 wurde mit einer wchentlichen I.V.- Injektion von 100 Nanogramm mit GcMAF begonnen. Ab September 2011 wurde diese auf monatlich und nur noch als S.C. statt I.V. umgestellt.

Mit jeder Injektion verbesserte sich mein Zustand erheblich. Hinsichtlich XMRV und MLV related virus kann ich inzwischen vermutlich als gesund gelten. Mglicherweise auch langfristig, insofern die bisher 7- jhrigen Erfahrungen mit GcMAF bei HIV auf XMRV / MLV bertragbar sind.

Die Behandlung erfolgte zunchst entlang einer chronischen Dysfunktionskrankheit des angeborenen Immunsystems einschlielich der entsprechenden zahlreichen Defizite (wie z.B. Natural killer cells) und Grenzwertberschreitungen, die sich z.B. in IgM's gegen Darmbakterien im peripheren Blut uerten. U. a. die Bekmpfung von Pilzbefall, negativen Darmbakterien und ein Ausgleich von Defiziten durch Nahrungsergnzungsmittel fhrten zu einer ganz langsamen Besserung. Eine auch durch Dritte beobachtete erhebliche dauerhafteVerbesserung setzte durch die tgliche Injektion von 2 ml Nexavir ab April 2007 ein.

Der grte Anteil der Laboranalysen, einschlielich von MLV und XMRV, wurde durch REDLABS bei Brssel vorgenommen.

Mit der zustndigen Laborleiterin, zufllig einer deutschen Biologin, stand ich ber Monate in regelmigem e-mail und telefonischen Kontakt. Nicht nur Blut, sondern auch Speichel, Urin und Sperma wurden auf meinen Wunsch hin ab Februar 2011 analysiert (alle negativ). Es hatte Monate gedauert, bis die Laborleiterin mit Untersttzung durch Judy Miskovits vom Whittemore Peterson Institut die Testung freigeben konnte. Die Testungen gestalteten sich als uerst schwierig

Nach einer Blutprobe vom 24.05.2011 befindet sich mein Nagalasewert im Normalbereich. Fr den 30.08.1011 wird ein zweiter Nagalasewert erwartet. GcMAF scheint in meinem Falle der Schlssel zur Gesundung zu sein. Jedoch scheint eine schwache unbemerkte allergische Reaktion gegen ein Titanimplantat bereits Ende 2010 verstrkt worden zu sein und hat dessen Entfernung erzwungen.

Mit sehr groer Wahrscheinlichkeit waren in meinem Falle MLV und XMRV eine notwendige Voraussetzung fr meinen gesundheitlichen Niedergang. 1943 geboren, mute ich1993 nach mehreren Arbeitszeitverringerungen aus einer interessanten Berufsttigkeit ausscheiden. 1997 Beendigung der Pflichtlehre als Privatdozent und Antrag auf Erwerbsunfhigkeitsrente.

Ich betrachte mich erstmals als gesund in meinem Leben. Welche Einschrnkungen eventuell dauerhaft oder sporadisch bestehen bleiben, kann nur die Zukunft zeigen.

Wahrscheinlich verdanke ich Kenny DMeirleirs diagnostischen und therapeutischen Fhigkeiten mein Leben.

Meine Anonymitt ist sicherlich einfach zu enttarnen. Im Interesse aller gesundheitlich und fachlich Betroffenen gehe ich dieses Risiko ein. Ich wei es zu schtzen, wenn mein Bedrfnis auf Anonymitt auch aus gesundheitlichen Grnden respektiert wird. Dieser Text kann entweder nur vollstndig, oder in Teilen mit vollstndiger Quellangabe, bernommen werden.

Berlin, den 25.09.2011


Senior Member
here's a not so great google translate. congrats on the improvement yay!!!!!! thank you for sharing your news. did you experience any problems when you first started?

A Successful XMRV / MLV - Therapy

My first visit with Dr. Kenny DeMeirleir (KDM) in Brussels, then in the Vrieje University, took place on 12.12.2005. After a brief review of the findings and a handful of questions, expressed KDM ". I know what you have, I can help them, that you feel better, but I can not make you healthy," We are talking now in German, previously had I have reported in English: "I have it all my life." confirmed the contents of this remark KDM end of 2009. After Bell's scale, my energy level was about 30%. Subjectively, I felt like a living corpse.

Overall, I was in the meantime (until 30/08/2011) twenty times, so about every three months, in Brussels.

In October 2010, "MLV related virus" identified from EDTA whole blood. In December 2010 a new sample XMRV.

End of November 2010 began a weekly IV injection of 100 nanograms of GcMAF. From September 2011 on a monthly basis and this was just as SC instead I.V. changed.

With each injection, my condition improved considerably. Regarding XMRV and MLV related virus, I can now probably be considered "healthy." Maybe in the long term, inasmuch as the previously 7 - year experience in HIV GcMAF for XMRV / MLV are transferable.

The treatment was carried out first along a "chronic disease of the innate immune system dysfunction," including the appropriate number of deficiencies (such as natural killer cells) and limit values ??are exceeded, for example, the expressed in IgM's against intestinal bacteria in the peripheral blood. Inter alia, the control of fungal infection, intestinal bacteria and a negative offset deficits by taking food supplements resulted in a very slow improvement. An observed by significant others began a durable improvement in the daily injection of 2 ml Nexavir from April 2007.

The largest proportion of the laboratory analysis, including MLV and XMRV, was made by RedLabs in Brussels.

With the responsible laboratory director, a German biologist accidentally, I stood for months in regular e-mail and telephone contact. Not only blood but also saliva, urine and semen were analyzed at my request in February 2011 (all negative). It had taken months for the laboratory manager with the assistance of Judy Miskovits from Whittemore - Peterson Institute was able to release the testing. The tests designed to be extremely difficult

After a blood sample from 24.05.2011 to my Nagalasewert is in the normal range. 30.08.1011 For the second one is expected Nagalasewert. GcMAF seems to be in my case, the key to recovery. Seems, however, been a weak allergic reaction unnoticed against a titanium implant to have been strengthened in late 2010 and has forced its removal.

Very likely in my case XMRV and MLV were a necessary prerequisite for my health decline. Born in 1943, had to resign after several ich1993 working time reductions of a fascinating career. 1997 completion of compulsory teaching as a lecturer and application for disability pension.

I consider myself to be healthy for the first time in my life. What restrictions may remain permanently or sporadically, can show only the future.

I probably owe Kenny DMeirleirs diagnostic and therapeutic abilities of my life.

My anonymity is certainly easy to unmask. In the interest of all concerned health professional and I go this risk. I appreciate it when my need for anonymity - respecting - even for health reasons. This text can only be either fully or in part, be taken with full citation of sources.

Berlin, 25.09.2011


Senior Member
did you take antibiotics for your gut too? if so, can you please share which ones: alinia? rifampin?



Senior Member
Appreciate you sharing.. Very encouraging for those of us coming behind you. Are you able to work and or exercise now?
are you still on gcmaf? Do you have normal NKC activity levels now?
Melbourne, Australia
Here's a good translation of eikmar's post:

A successful XMRV/MLV therapy

My first visit to Prof. Dr. Kenny De Meirleir (KDM) took place in Brussel on 12.12.2005. At that time he still worked at the Vrieje Universiteit.
Having gone through my diagnostic findings and some questions KDM said: "I know what your problem is. I can help you get better, but I cannot heal you". By then we had a conversation in German. Previously I had reported to him in English: "I had it all my life". KDM confirmed the content of this remark at the end of 2009. According to the Bell scale my energy level was at 30%. Subjectively I felt like a living corpse.

In total I have been to Brussels 20 times, approximately once every 3 months (up to 30.8.2011).
In October 2010 the MLV related virus was identified in EDTA full blood. Then XMRV was found in a new sample in December 2010.
I started weekly 100 nanogram I.V. injections of GcMAF at the end of November 2010. In September 2011 this changed to only one monthly S.C. (not I.V.) injection.

My wellbeing improved noticeably with every injection. I probably can be considered 'healthy' with respect to XMRV and MLV related viruses by now. Possibly this is true in the long term as well, if the 7 years of experience with GcMAF for treating HIV can be applied to the treatment of XMRV/MLV.

The treatment initially targeted the 'chronic dysfunction of the innate immune system', including the numerous deficiencies (like natural killer cells) and excessive values for indicators like the IgMs against intestinal bacteria in the peripheral blood. Fighting fungal infections and negative intestinal bacteria and balancing out food deficiencies with supplements, among other measures, lead to a slow improvement. My state began to significantly and permanently improve (also noticed by others) when I started injecting 2 ml Nexavir daily from April 2007.

The majority of laboratory tests, including for MLV and XMRV, was undertaken by REDLABS in Brussels.

I was in regular contact with the responsible laboratory supervisor by e-mail and phone for months. Incidentally she is a German biologist.
Apart from blood, I had my saliva, urine and sperm analysed (with negative results). It took months until the lab supervisor, with the help of Judy Mikovits from the Whittemore Peterson Institute, could release the test results. The testing proved to be very difficult.

A blood test on 24.05.2011 showed my nagalase value to be in the normal range. I'm waiting for the results of a second nagalase test on 30.8.2011. GcMAF appears to be the key to recovery in my case. However, a small undiscovered allergic reaction against a titanium implant seems to have worsened since the end of 2010 and it had to be removed.

It his highly likely that in my case MLV and XMRV were the necessary prerequisites for the decline of my health. Born in 1943, I had to cease working in my interesting profession in 1993 after my working hours had increasingly been reduced. In 1997 I quit lecturing as an academic and applied for a disability pension.

For the first time in my life I consider myself healthy. Only the future will tell which limitations may stay permanently or sporadically.

Probably I owe my life to Kenny De Meirleir's diagnostic and therapeutic capacities.

It is probably easy to uncover my anonymity. In the interest of all those concerned due to their health or profession I'm taking the risk. I'd appreciate if my need for anonymity (also for health reasons) was respected. This text may only be reproduced in its entirety or, if quoted in parts, only with a complete reference to the original.

Berlin, 25.09.2011


Senior Member
eikmar what fantastic news.congratulations on all your hard work and it paying off.this is very exciting.
janey thankyou for the translation.


Moderation Resource Albuquerque
Thanks so much for this report. It is very helpful to those of us who are on GcMAF but haven't had this much experience.

And thanks Janey for the translation!



Senior Member
eikmar, thank you for posting this!

did you ever experience any negative side effects from the gcmaf?

and i'd like to know if you did any antibiotics for your gut, too.



Senior Member
Thank you so much for this and translations - it is good to hear. I've some anectdotal evidence reasonably locally that KdeM's treatment is bringing good results for others too.


Senior Member
Thanks for the report! I can say I am on the same way as far as improvement with a similar protocol. I'll go into more details when I consider it's the right time.
Berlin Germany
Thank you for all your comments. I have to work now on another health related problem. In some days I hope to be able to answer all questions and be more communicative on Phoenix rising! By the way, I am since some time rather sure that XMRV / MLV or some very related retrovirus is a necessary condition for CFS / ME. My reasons for this belief I will post still some time later. The world faces a health problem (not only with CFS /ME) which is in its dimension a multiple of the HIV / AIDS - problem.



Senior Member
Thanks for posting eikmar - I am pretty certain too of your comments.


Senior Member
I was on GcMAF through KDM for 8 months and was improving slowly. He told me to take an 8 week break as i was having an inflamatory response. After 3 weeks i hit a big bad spell like i used to get alot before the GcMAF. Decided to go back on the GcMAF after 6 weeks on a half dose. On back on it 3 weeks now and still not fully out of the bad spell. It will be interesting to see how quickly i can get back to the improvements i was feelng before the break.
That is a great report, and I am glad for that patient and others who experience improvement. Just wanted to inform you that I was on GcMaf for 38 full doses and it didn't do
anything to me. Nothing happened so I am back to square one. Maybe I do feel a little worse regarding the brainfog..
Aquariusgirl, I had them tested about 6-8 weeks after the treatment and it was 1.8 Before I also had them tested however at that time the results were not accurate b/c of technical failure in the lab. So I have only one result unfortunately.
5 months to cure XMRV

Our first XMRV patient has been cured after 5 months of our GcMAF. It took 2 months to cure him of Lyme disease, then another three to cure him of XMRV.

He's under a US doctor, after three months his mother wrote:

Hi David, Richard, my son, is getting better. The following are improvements we observe : He is off the oxygen; He was weaned off Lyme medications; He can drive himself to the doctor-round trip; He now gets up out of bed at about 12 PM (prior to that it was 4, 5, or 6PM) and stays up until bedtime- 10-11:00PM (Prior to GcMAF, his bedtime was sporadic and he slept most of the day and night); he has more energy and cooks 1 or meals; he can now take short walks; he can carry on conversations; his speech is no longer labored.

I rang his mother today and Richard answered. He is quick and decisive on the phone and I found it difficult to get a word in edgeways. He is full of praise for our GcMAF, and: "For the last month of GcMAF I felt cured, but every week I couldn't believe I felt even better."

We have five CFS cures and about 50 people with successful GcMAF therapies over all illnesses among the 55 doctors and clinics we supply.

Its early days yet; most doctors have been with us under three months.

Our experiences are similar to Dr Yamamotos in that GcMAF cures typically inside 6 months.

If Dr Ken De Meirleir is taking 6 years to cure people, why are our doctors so far ahead of him?

Best wishes

David Noakes.


Senior Member
Hi David,

Thanks for the report. How did you make the determination that this person was cured of xmrv? As you probably know, XMRV results from VIPdx are now questionable if not total bunk. But just for the sake of argument, what were his XMRV results before gcmaf?