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Is there a place where I can order those tests by myself? Need help!


Senior Member

I don't have access to a qualified doc where I am in Canada and would like to test my NK cells function and maybe check if I have active viruses (CMV, EBV etc..) . I thought I was improving lately but now I feel horrible and though I resisted the idea of taking antivirals meds, I would consider taking them if my results indicate I could benefit from it.

I can have a nurse coming at home to take the blood test if I can receive a test kit by mail.

Not sure if it's in the right section, sorry about that.

Thx and have a good day!


Senior Member
Thx, though I'm not sure I can have blood tests done with them internationally from what I saw.


Senior Member
You're right; I just asked direct labs. Sorry.

Do you not have a doctor, or do you have a doctor who won't run the tests you want?


Senior Member
You're right; I just asked direct labs. Sorry.

Do you not have a doctor, or do you have a doctor who won't run the tests you want?

I don't have a cfs doctor and I could ask my gp to order tests but here in Quebec, Canada I can't seem to have access to a lab that would perform tests specific for cfs patients. In fact, maybe I could ask them but I don't even know what tests to ask for tbh.

I might end up trying antivirals without testing, though I'd really prefer to know where I stand before.