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Who still gets fever?


Senior Member
I have realised that I never get a fever anymore, even when faced with serious bacterial infections, that normally would give a fever. If I remember correctly, I haven't gotten a fever in 10 years, since the initial onset of my symptoms. Before that, I had at least 1 fever a year. Fever isn't a bad thing per se, as it can kill off certain pathogens. Most doctors would rather have patients do without fevers though.

Do you still get fevers?


Senior Member
It's been 11 years Jemal and I don't now have the fever spells which were very regular. Just hoping something has stalilised.
I do. I also get night sweats every night, in fact I get so hot every night that I could easily cook dinner on myself lol.


Senior Member
In my 11 years of CFS I never had a fever ... until last September snd last week. I don't knwo what to make of it.

I have realised that I never get a fever anymore, even when faced with serious bacterial infections, that normally would give a fever. If I remember correctly, I haven't gotten a fever in 10 years, since the initial onset of my symptoms. Before that, I had at least 1 fever a year. Fever isn't a bad thing per se, as it can kill off certain pathogens. Most doctors would rather have patients do without fevers though.

Do you still get fevers?


Senior Member
Sth Australia
My ME/CFS started off with very high fevers for much of the time for the first 2 years (hence why first year of this illness doctors kept on telling me I must have a virus). Then I thought i wasnt getting many fevers anymore.

Recently thou, I realised I are getting fevers but dont notice when I get one.

I noticed that at home a couple of times when I took my temp not aware I had a fever and I did. Then last time I was in hospital, the nurses kept on noticing I had a fever at times and wanted to give me medicine to get it down.. to which I refused as I couldnt notice it and I wont take meds for something I cant even notice going on. Any temperature under the 39 degree celcius range (102.2F) I dont seem to be noticing. (my normal temp when not feverish is in the low 36 range or low 37 range after ovulation (female temps go up after ovulation).

The sudden hot flushes I sometimes get during the night which I thought were hormonal flushes... Ive recently realised my temp spikes up with them.


iherb code TAK122
Very interesting, I would say I only get a fever when I get a re-activation of EBV,(last one 12 months ago) but I've never considered taking my temperature during the night when I get the most horrendous and frequent (10 a night) sweats. The amount of heat they generate in my body makes me think it must raise my temp.
I haven't had a break from them for over a year either - mind you maybe a trial of CBT or GET could help:)


Senior Member
I sweat a lot as well and sometimes feel like I have a high temperature. When taking my temperature though, it's always normal...


Senior Member
Nearly always hot
Wake each morning soaked in sweat, blech
Cold and damp days knock the utter hell out of me, need a dry heat for a better chance of "good day":/

Do you get fevers though or do you mean you always have a high temperature?


Senior Member
The fevers stopped. I used to get them badly (high temp and sweating) but then they disappeared.

I used to get them with sinus infections and tonsillitis a lot but over the years my body temperature now only goes so high. If I am 37degrees I have a temperature for me...

I also stopped sweating.


Senior Member
Before getting sick, I was never getting high fever in my life, it was max at 38C.
In the first year of sickness I had low grade fever everyday, also I was not sweating in hot weather.
Then in the second year I switched to gluten-free low carb diet, it improved, I would have some days without the fever.
Now, I still get the low grade fever surging up at least once per day (I feel anything that is not my normal temperature), but I am suspicious it is somehow related to sitting. If I sit for 30 mins, normally from no fever I go into low grade fever. Most of the times I manage to put it out with either lying down or walking, or submerging my face in cold water.


Senior Member
I tend to feel feverish after eating a meal or lying down. So I think that part at least is circulatory.


คภภเє ɠรค๓թєl
I used to get night sweats, but they went away, and I no longer get fevers, either, even if I have a UTI or gastritis or something. I also don't get many signs and symptoms of gastritis, colds, etc.

however, inability to run a proper fever doesn't prevent me from feeling feverish or getting chills