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welcome trust newsletter...Now this is funny......


Senior Member
Somewhere near Glasgow, Scotland
Wellcome Trust is on the stock market...doe snayont NOT see a problem with a massive medical (and other) research charity that is in effect, a corporation?
I sure as hell do!
Not saying they are unethical, but the potential for them to become corrupt eentually is enormous, in fact it is INEVITABLE, in the light of the "Human Condition", and should surely have occured to any raitonal perosn when they went "PLC"?
Think about it a bit...

Even if the folk who set that up and current execs are genuinely honest folk who did that as an effective way to raise more money for more research...in the future when they retire/get replaced...someone will be in charge of a multi billion dollar cash cow...thus the potential for abuse is very disturbing.

I've seen to many charities become money-making operations, it is deeply disturbing to me. It osunds liek a good idea at first: raise more money for more good aims...BUT, the sums are os vast, charities are tax exempt, and the ugly fact that organizations *always* end up being about preserving and enriching the organizaiton at the expense of any one else....is unsettling.