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visit to doctor - mercury - glutathione vs.metallothionein


Senior Member
Hi Rich and group,

Also at the appointment yesterday we discussed my heavy metals always being low on tests until raising my glutathione. We thought maybe they rose on the urine test because my raised glutathione was mobilizing them from the cell out into the urine.

He said that glutathione doesn't detox mercury ... that metallothionein does that.

Is this true ?



Senior Member
Hi Rich and group,

Also at the appointment yesterday we discussed my heavy metals always being low on tests until raising my glutathione. We thought maybe they rose on the urine test because my raised glutathione was mobilizing them from the cell out into the urine.

He said that glutathione doesn't detox mercury ... that metallothionein does that.

Is this true ?


Hi, GlobalPilot.

The metallothioneins play several roles in the cells. They contain a lot of cysteine, and therefore have many sulfhydryl groups, and are able to bind a range of metals, both essential ones and toxic ones. Storage and distribution of zinc appears to be a major role that they play. It can also bind toxic metals, including mercury, but they do not take them out of the cell, as far as I know. The metallothioneins can also act as antioxidants.

Glutathione binds mercury and does take it out of cells. Mercury is excreted bound to the cysteine that was part of the glutathione molecule.

Best regards,



Senior Member
Thank you Rich.

Is it the cysteine or the glutathone that is relevant in getting the mercury out of the cell.

I've been working hard to get my glutathione up to normal - whey, pycnogenol, methylation protocal. I was able to get my RBC in the normal range which I know isn't as good as a plasma measurement but that is all i'm able to get here.

I've just submitted another urine to Doctors Data to see if anymore metals are coming out.

Do you have any insights into my other two questions ? especially the one about low mercury in hair being a red flag.


Senior Member
Thank you Rich.

Is it the cysteine or the glutathone that is relevant in getting the mercury out of the cell.

I've been working hard to get my glutathione up to normal - whey, pycnogenol, methylation protocal. I was able to get my RBC in the normal range which I know isn't as good as a plasma measurement but that is all i'm able to get here.

I've just submitted another urine to Doctors Data to see if anymore metals are coming out.

Do you have any insights into my other two questions ? especially the one about low mercury in hair being a red flag.

Hi, globalpilot.

The glutathione conjugation system is kind of complicated and involves the cooperation of several organs. There's a section in this paper that discusses it in some detail, and I recommend that you check it out: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1566771/pdf/envhper00410-0081.pdf

I'll ponder your other questions.

Best regards,
