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Men with Fibro Stand Tall!


Senior Member

If that's what you were talking about in your first post then -- yes.:p

I prefer the comics myself.:D

No seriously, couldn't there be a section here on the forums that was just for the guys? Or, are you thinking more of a place that would need to be at a completely different location, a different forum, to give the guys a greater sense of privacy? (Cos you KNOW there are SOME women who are gonna go there and snoop on the men. :rolleyes: )

Then again, they (not I did not say WE) could do that even if it were at a different url. It's not like we'd actually have to GO somewhere to see it. Just a click of the magical computer keyboard and ... we're there.;)

Seriously though, ... why couldn't you guys have something here? The women would not go in that forum and if any of them did ... certain admins and mods would just escort them right back out again. I would help with that, Girl-power or no Girl-power.:D


Phoenix Rising Founder
It's certainly a possibility. I'm a little worried about spreading ourselves too thin with all these forums - but this one would certainly stand out. 'Men's issues'- we don't speak of them alot be we do have alot of them. Hmmmm. Let's see how much interest there is....


Senior Member
I have wondered many times about some of the things that make things tougher for you male chronics.

I have thought, about my husband with FM for 2 decades, and the limitations on being able to work, and be involved with his kids, and just, as he might put it , ... just being a guy ... being a man. He knows that I don't see him as less of a man, but ... he does not feel he meets his own standards, no matter what anyone else thinks. He wants to be the protector and the provider and the mainstay and isn't able to the way he wants to be.

And I have wondered if some of you guys feel like you have been made less a man by the illness? whether because you can't work, or because of maybe a million different things that affect you differently than they might us women.

We all of us have alot of wounds and scars from this illness, but I gotta think some things are going to be different for men, and a place to talk about it amongst themselves might be really good.

Yes, we shall see if there is interest ...


Senior Member
Salt Lake City
I have wondered many times about some of the things that make things tougher for you male chronics.

I have thought, about my husband with FM for 2 decades, and the limitations on being able to work, and be involved with his kids, and just, as he might put it , ... just being a guy ... being a man. He knows that I don't see him as less of a man, but ... he does not feel he meets his own standards, no matter what anyone else thinks. He wants to be the protector and the provider and the mainstay and isn't able to the way he wants to be.

And I have wondered if some of you guys feel like you have been made less a man by the illness? whether because you can't work, or because of maybe a million different things that affect you differently than they might us women.

We all of us have alot of wounds and scars from this illness, but I gotta think some things are going to be different for men, and a place to talk about it amongst themselves might be really good.

Yes, we shall see if there is interest ...

Hi Jody,

You know, as a man with FMS since about 1980 I have been put through the wringer, but only by docs. The women with it have all been accepting and understanding but the docs were something else again totally. I haven't felt any less of a man, that never occurred to me in the least. But then, when I started it was a total mystery diseasefor everybody.