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Article: Christmas Shopping For Phoenix Rising

If I use this link are my purchases reported back to you or does amazon keep that confidential? I like to think that no one knows what I purchase (except Amazon and my husband of course).

I normally use the ME research link, but it seems down at the mo: http://www.meresearch.org.uk/support/shopping.html

I tried here, but it seems to be for US only. Also, the ME research link was to an easier system, in that it just linked to the normal Amazon page, rather than having a separate PR style one. I'm not sure if this is just how .com does things, rather than .co.uk, but I thought I'd mention my preferences/thoughts. Ta.
I'm not sure how to use the PR shopping. Do we go to Amazon first or to PR?
Thanks and good luck with this. What an easy thing for us to do.

You go to PR and then click on the Amazon link, which takes you to Amazon's home page - then you just shop as normal, you don't have to do anything special. :Retro smile:
yes, this is a great idea! i do 90% of my shopping through amazon and now i can support PR at the same time!

I agree, really good idea. I'm mostly housebound so do almost all of my shopping online and quite a bit of my gift shopping (from me, on behalf of family members who aren't online, and treats for myself!) on Amazon. It all racks up to quite a bit over the year and of course, getting a cut to PR or MERUK costs us absolutely nothing - Amazon just gives up a bit of its profit!
You should see if other large online retailers like buy.com and walmart.com will support PR too since most of these retailers are happy to be linked from a shopping club that gives them a percentage of the purchases to that club. And maybe you can get us some kind of discount (5% off), promotional coupons or gift certificates for PR members? i think most of these retailers will support a busy non profit patient support website. let us know! :thumbsup:
You should see if other large online retailers like buy.com and walmart.com will support PR too since most of these retailers are happy to be linked from a shopping club that gives them a percentage of the purchases to that club. And maybe you can get us some kind of discount (5% off), promotional coupons or gift certificates for PR members? i think most of these retailers will support a busy non profit patient support website. let us know! :thumbsup:

Hello, lancelot.

If you register at iGive.com, designate PR (or other such organization), and download the toolbar, when you visit an online retailer associated with iGive, automatically iGive will send a donation (some percetage of you order total) to your designated charity.

That is a really long sentence. I am too tired at the moment to re-write.

But if for some reason you don't want to use iGive, and find some other similar program, please post the info.

Hello, lancelot.

If you register at iGive.com, designate PR (or other such organization), and download the toolbar, when you visit an online retailer associated with iGive, automatically iGive will send a donation (some percetage of you order total) to your designated charity.

That is a really long sentence. I am too tired at the moment to re-write.

But if for some reason you don't want to use iGive, and find some other similar program, please post the info.


thanks Merry! This is good information that cort should look into. does igive.com take a percentage as well?

i understand how exhausting reading and writing even a few sentences can be for us. i couldn't even participate in these patient forums for the first 1.5years of my illness due to the horrible mental exhaustion and cognitive problems. i still have alot of problems reading, comprehending, and writing more than a few sentences at a time.

Taking time off from the forums or just reading is a good idea at times.

Do take care of yourself!
Hello again, lancelot.

Here's the thread that Frank started about six months ago that explains iGive.com:


Also I just now bumped that thread and posted some information for you there.

You asked "does igive.com take a percentage as well?" I don't know how iGive raises revenue for its own operating expenses. I don't remember reading that it a retailer pays iGive a certain percentage of each sale. Surely the retailers must pay iGive for their placement on the page when a search is performed.

Thank you for your concern about my brain.

You take care, too.