• Welcome to Phoenix Rising!

    Created in 2008, Phoenix Rising is the largest and oldest forum dedicated to furthering the understanding of, and finding treatments for, complex chronic illnesses such as chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS), fibromyalgia, long COVID, postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS), mast cell activation syndrome (MCAS), and allied diseases.

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Hello Everyone! The past month has had its ups and downs, but there has been a fairly good trend in the right direction! Here's a list of some things I'm noticed / has happened since my last entry: My neck's lymph nodes have reduced in size. The right one has been enlarged since I first...
Hello Everyone! Last week was a very difficult week for me at work - one that I know I never would have survived without having started the Valcyte and shown some improvement since. It was not fun at all... My boss, thankfully, allowed me to take tonight off as recovery is taking longer than...
Hello again Everyone! The past week was a blessing at work - busy, but of a light activity level. This next week is going to be the one to test me (and the Valcyte results) as we're going to be very, very busy... Wish me luck on making it through!! I have 1 day left of the Valcyte after...
Hello Everyone, Quick update on things for you: Haven't been able to sleep more than 4-5 hours since the other day when I got an amazing 11 hours in. There are periods of lethargy that seem overwhelming - usually just as I'm getting up from my nap to go to work. Haven't had any "really...
Hello again, Today is day 10 for the Valcyte administration, and things have been going pretty well. Most of my symptoms resolved around day 6-7 aside from generalized weakness. The was a wonderful feeling of energy even though there wasn't anything in the tank to back it up. I was able to...
Hello Everyone, It has been a few days since the last update, and boy, has it been weird! My body seems to be really confused as to what is going on. There are periods where the brain is feeling completely aware and focused - then 5 minutes later, can barely remember what I'm doing. There...
2 min read
User Blogs
Hello Everyone, I started my second Valcyte journey yesterday (Friday the 13th) and have taken my second dose this morning. Have a funny sensation in my muscles - like a tingling sensation, or a slight numbness. There doesn't seem to be any changes in strength at this time, but I feel a...
Hello All, My Name is Brent and I'm just starting my blog entries here on PR. I intend to use this as a vehicle for information about my use of Valcyte which is starting today... :thumbs up: A little background for me: I came down with a viral infection late in 1989 and was later diagnosed...

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