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Two 'Yay!'s and a 'Meh' in the hobby side of life.

After a couple weeks of not feeling good. being downright sick, actually, finally felt good for doing something to model builds.
Made progress on a very slowly moving kitbashed railway hut to mail to Julie for her model railway layout.
Started pre-build activity on that recent reissue of a 1959 model kit by now defunct Monogram.

It might have been smarter to paint the hut's door and window parts then install the clear plastic before gluing them to the brake van body which forms the hut, but that's not how I did it.

Cutting and placing then gluing those tiny little clear parts was a challenge, but I made it in one go!

Am disappointed in the seriousness of the skink marks in the rocket kit's lower fuselage part.

🎨🖌️ Railway hut still needs a bit of paint work on the platform boards.
And somewhere in a box, maybe the one with all the decals, are some pages of printed paper curtains.
Want to find something for that window.
And then there is some flower scenic material to add to planter box outside the window.

Then it can be posted across the ocean to Julie.

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