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PEM frustrations

While PEM topics are active today, the PEM today from doing laundry yesterday is frustrating.
Obviously I'm good for sitting and intermittently making posts on the internet.
But ...
What I really want to do is read those books 📸
and do those model kits and model trains 📸
and play in those sketchbooks. 📸
Nope ...
Brain is not good for sustained effort today.
And body is right behind brain.
(especially hands, they are really hurting & doing this is not solving the problem)
I am good for reclining in that bed.
should that be an uplifting thought?
And it is a nice one, wonderful mattress thanks to my now 84 year old parents. 🥰

p. s., yes, that one book title from The Smithsonian really looks that fuzzy, it is 1st edition of SPACESHIPS



Thanks! Yeah, this and the websites I went to look at Sunday newspaper comics & who knows what else, just left my brain one day and weren't there any more. Until just recently when I was Googling recent ME/CFS stuff to send Julie in England who had her long covid diagnosis changed to ME/CFS.
It was literally, "What's that forum logo? Something tells me I remember it? Is that memory for real?"
Did also eventually remember the 2 comics websites, Go Comics and Comics Kingdom. But for some unknown reason the the drive, urge, to go browse them hasn't returned. I dunno, The brain can be a quirky thing,

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