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I hate housing insecurity.

Yes. Up front and point blank, I hate housing insecurity.

Earlier today did lease renewal paperwork for apartment.
NOW, right here, right now, this very moment, comes a massive hit of stress and anxiety and previous decades where a loss of health led to a loss of income which led to a loss of housing which led to a period of homelessness. And being sexually assaulted by a gay guy during one of those times of homelessness.

The annual paperwork for the lease stresses me out,

The annual paperwork for housing assistance stresses me out.

Also flooding in to memory is several years back where at this apartment I've lived in since 2008 the new at that time manager did an inspection and said they were going to evict me because I had too much stuff in here.

Say What?

The Section 8 Housing Assistance agency manager came and looked at my apartment and couldn't figure out what alternate reality the apartment manager was inhabiting.

The home health and aid manager came and looked at my apartment and couldn't figure out what alternate reality the apartment manager was inhabiting.


The apartment lease renewal stresses me out.

The housing assistance renewal stresses me out.



I hear you!

Housing security is a big stressor for me as well.

Contracting ME/CFS has been a humbling experience, and really opened my eyes (and my heart) to how easy it is in this country to become homeless and how little citizens care about the unhoused folks that live right alongside us.
I don't have that particular problem but, yes, that would be extremely worrisome.

Isn't there a volunteer group that could help with the paperwork you face? I'm sorry that it's such a worry.

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