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Heart arythymia - Day 15 of COVID

I knew that covid would be too hard on my body and i was right. I noticed from pulse ox meter my heart rate was fluctuating more than usual at rest. This is in addition to it remaining alot more elevated than pre covid). Tooj Kardia and sent it to a doc

He says theres a small anount of atrial arythymmia there. Not major and its not like im getting 4 second heart pauses. But the danger is it can turn i to afib

Im no longer dehydrated so dont think its electrolytes tbo i sure wish i had my okd skin absorbable magnesium cream

Doc suggested rest and not doing anything to stimulate sympathetic system- which is impossible when you have dysautonomia.

I have a doc appt tomorroe but may cancel as is a big strain. Just dont know.


Is it a phone appt tomorrow or in person?

In person and i dont feel
Up to it!

A little more info: its called a “sinus arrythmia”. If its respitory, it is fine and healthy IN KIDs. but in adults often indicates sone heart disease or otger like ischemia

Like many things i get that fall thru the cracks its not enough to get more than a shrug. Ditto the fact my hr is 30 higher than normal- but still in “normal range” hence i will get yawns

Thats another reason im not sure the cost benefit analysis favors going in in person
Would the doctor be conducting tests tomorrow that can only be done in person or just talking to you to gather info? If it’s just talking, can you switch it to a phone or Zoom appt (vs. canceling it)?
how is your smelling?

i had covid 2 times, and both times my heart rate and BP went nuts.
first time i had resting HR of 150 even while sleeping.. glady next day down to 120-130 .. then down to 100-110 ... and after 4rd day back to normal.
but i felt really like crap, like i was running and out of oxygen.
also some arrythmias probably. i had emergency doctor come, take a ECG. they wanted to give me a magnesium injection. i refused because i had paradoxical reactions to mg. also they wanted to take me with them into the ER, not of concrete emergency but to do a few checks to be sure.
i didnt do that either because ER usually results in a psycho diagnosis for me. so nah. also a bit of fever below 40degrees C for 2 days.

the second time i got corona i also had HR elevation, but only 120.. and only for ONE day, back to normal then. everything was 2 levels more relaxed.
though i had wild fluctations in BP.. usually i am in 140/90 to 150/100 range. barely below 130/90. but at night the BP went down to 120/80.. 120/70 .. 100/60 which for my usual values was a bit shocking. but i didnt notice much out of it. no longer fever this time. maybe a short time over one day.
the first few days i couldnt sleep well, had to sip water every 30..40 minutes because my throat was so dry.
after a few days i lost my smelling for a few days, before after another few days i got it back.

i cannot speak for yours. but if its like my case maybe wait 2..3 days if heart doesnt get to weird... or if you do not see trends of improvement.
Would the doctor be conducting tests tomorrow that can only be done in person or just talking to you to gather info? If it’s just talking, can you switch it to a phone or Zoom appt (vs. canceling it)?

I see your point. I would get a 12 lead EKG - but i have a 6 lead one at home and it was enough to rule out pericardititis and afib. Strings were pulled for me to have an initial visit via telemed pre covid so cant do it again now- but i did fax in my 6 lead ekg and adked for a callback from staff. I have a good handle on it now and hope to proceed with plan to do an echocardiogram when i can. So i bailed on appt. I again have a headache and those have been afflicting me alot more since covid

What bugs me most is one of my main docs will not acknoowledge the sinus arrythmia. Calls it a normal variant even tho it was not there before and is NOT a good thing in adults
@linusbert thats great info. Thanks for describing that. I find it helpful to hear others experience

But yours went back to normal quickly. Its day 16 for me.
Started at 117 when i had fever and dehydration, then went to 100 when most of fever resolved. Around day 9 or so it fell to 90, abd then a but more to 85. Im normally in 60s

But then i started noticing on pulse ox that it woukd speed up and slow down repeatedly which never happened before. So woukd go auickly from 79 ton85 and back again or 85 to 95 and back again. And that lead to me learning about “sinus arrhythmia” Not sure whatvi woukd have done had i not been capable of assiating my own med case- i would h ave had to believe the doc who falsely claims “normal variant”’

What you say on bp is very interesting. I have not been taking it in part not to freak myself out I usually run high and then certain foods or stimulation gives me big spikes. During your covid, did anything happen to your oxygen levels? Thet also can effect bp (and lower it)

I completely understand about your refusing mag. For me its potassium. In past theyve tried to give me that in iv when potassium a bit low- but i have a patadoxical reaction and when i take potassium my heart rate shoots up.

Also hear you on the psych. If i went to an ER with this im sure theyd spew the crap of the one doc “normal variant”’. Ignoring all the relevant info

Smell not back yet. Been giving myself a training program. But for sulfur snd burning things zero progress no matter how close my nose in. Was going to comment on your not being able to smell yourself but decided i better not go there...

Cant believe you've had it twice. I think im going to live in terror because i don't see how id survive a round 2
Started at 117 when i had fever and dehydration, then went to 100 when most of fever resolved. Around day 9 or so it fell to 90, abd then a but more to 85. Im normally in 60s
with these values i wouldnt think much about it, because heart rate going up while infection is going on is a normal thing. its corona.. so a slight elevation could be a bigger elevation like was mine.
i mean yours was 60+ above normal. mine was also 60+ above normal (88->150).
my HR sometimes is jumping from 67 to 90. if i check my 1-point ecg on my watch the actual HR isnt much different, its just the counting of extra systoles which messes the tools up. having some kind of arrythmia while under stress isnt unusual either.

i dont remember oxygen going too bonkers. mine is always around 93-97. the emergency doctor also didnt notice something too bad otherwise they would have taken me along for sure.

Was going to comment on your not being able to smell yourself but decided i better not go there...
no need to be shy, everyone of us has a little Yogi in us :D
i often do check my smell over the day, its kinda comforting ... and if its not i need to take a shower! :)

doctors just compare your values against their books and experiences. if you say my HR is high.. and you come with 120.. 120 isnt too out of the ordinary. i mean its ER. nobody is taking this serious. they always say its anxiety, or over excitement or whatever.
recently someone told me 165/120 BP is just fine.. they've seen worse. i mean this thinking is child like stupid. but thats how they roll.

the 2nd infection usually goes easier on most. take my example.
I see your point. I would get a 12 lead EKG - but i have a 6 lead one at home and it was enough to rule out pericardititis and afib.
I have a good handle on it now and hope to proceed with plan to do an echocardiogram when i can.

This sounds like a good follow-up plan (12 lead EKG and echocardiogram) in the future when you are feeling less acutely ill from Covid.

What bugs me most is one of my main docs will not acknoowledge the sinus arrythmia. Calls it a normal variant even tho it was not there before and is NOT a good thing in adults

Do you mean "sinus tachycardia" or this is a different arrhythmia?

When my entire illness first started in 2013, I was given a diagnosis of "Inappropriate Sinus Tachycardia" (long before an official diagnosis of POTS). My heart rate was constantly in the 160's & 170's but they said that it never left sinus rhythm (on Zio Patch). But I don't know if this is the same thing?
@Gingergrrl No, not sinus tachy. Tbink of sinus arrythmia as it spoeds up then it slows down then it speeds up etc. Everyone gets that a little of tgat variability especially when breathing in and out and this is like an exaggerated form of that

In the past from my dyssutonomia, i have had sinus tachy as well as atrial tachy, which is a different arrhythmia. And of course have had PVCs, often foid induced, and PACs which were caused by the Resperate device ive mentioned before

This is first as far as i know of the speeding up slowing down sinus arrythymiia

Headache at the moment- better not be covid coming back
Just found this: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2049080121000509

Persistent Hypokalemia post SARS-coV-2 infection, is it a life-long complication? Case report

Brain fog currently so didn't read this in depth but wonder if you should maybe try to increase your potassium maybe through some high potassium foods for a while?? (Also they go onto mention hypomagnesemia as well.) :(

Also if you get a chance read the thiamine thread that Oliver3 started. There are some articles online too, I believe, that say thiamine is low in covid patients.

Edit: Of course consult with your doctors on this as well but if you get the potassium/magnesium from foods I would think that would be okay. ???
@Judee hey that's great info. Thanks Much. On thiqmin too
I have a theory as to why potassium and mag may be low in poat covid. We can discuss by PM. Dont want to post it here

Yes foods! So glad you didn't say pills ! And shoukd work on trabsdermal but then dont.

I had a fee minutes last bight where gad improvement to heart- then went away again.

Ok will happily read article now. Theres so many awful post covid complaints (not even counting long covid) when one starts looking

Thanks again!

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