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Song Suite: Rabbi Beaner-Flipple / Got No / The Sewing Machine

It's been many moons since I put a new song up on good ole youtube, so I figured I'd clue you guys in. As always, if you do decide to listen, prepare yourself for something very non-standard, and most probably (and seemingly) lacking the necessary musical cohesion people have come to expect while engaged in music listening over the course of their lifetime.

There are a pair of semi-mellow and less chaotic subsections strewn together well into the 15 minute long composition (if you feel like skipping ahead).


Just because I'm full of myself (sometimes), I will offer up some background, while also attempting to describe what this aural enlightenment may sound like to your ears.

Please note, I don't have anybody else to discuss music matters with, so I'll pretend you are interested in the output / throughput I shall be offering up. As is always the case, please DO NOT feel obligated to follow along at home

On an Island (reasons explained)

In the olden days, my (now deceased) best friend would do me a favor by listening to my oddly constructed tunes. For the most part, he didn't react in any type of way, but at least he made the effort, occasionally offering an informed opinion.

And then also (in recent times), my wife-person will critique individual songs upon request… from the standpoint of judging the final mix.

“The bass drum is too loud…”

“The vocals are too dominant…”

“What's that stupid sound? It's irritating as f***!”

She's got a critical ear for things that do not fit. I am most assuredly grateful whenever she participates (most people wouldn't be able to suss out the details the way she does).

Description and Depiction

The beginning portion of the song is mostly hillbilly backwoods alt-rock influenced, I suppose. But on an abstract level that makes sense, seeing as the main thrust of the song was recorded back in September of ‘23 while hanging out in the nursing home parking lot, recording directly into my Android phone (precariously balanced on my lap) amidst and between an array of employee parked vehicles - cicadas screeching all the while, intermixed with birds actively engaging in the background, providing an atmospheric counterpoint while a parade of north-south vehicles steadily worked their way up and down 38th Street no less than two dozen feet away from my makeshift power wheelchair psuedo-studio setup, with drivers and their passengers occasionally waving, or in the least, rubbernecking as they passed on by at 30 mph, likely wondering what the hell was wrong with me (above and beyond my disabled state).

Note: it appears as though my initial description is less than apt, as there were no hillbillies partaking during the experience, and then of course, our version of “backwoods” only occurs in the form of a low desert mirage oasis envisioned while under the influence of severe dehydration in the midst of psychedelic drug taking activities. Hmmm ... someday I may provide explicit details regarding the latter ...

More Background

Back then, I knocked out over 100 improvised songs within a 2-month span - not much else to do, really. So, as is usually the case, please consider that I'm making things up as I'm going along.

After the initial cohesion, this song version unnaturally biodegrades… similar to my forever depreciating body. Haha! Yes, an apt parallel, to be certain.

This song effort then becomes twisted and distorted and made into something entirely different, deconstructing into a repetitive drone, before eventually bordering on something that is seemingly theatrical - which is to say, having a discernible likeness to most of my half-baked efforts.

In any case, everything from the beginning of the song is repurposed and reproposed … differently.

So if you want, listen for about 12 seconds, just to get the gist … ummm, come to think of it, too much gist, and your inner circuits may become depolarized, so in all sincerity, please listen responsibly.

Safety First (Legal Speak)

Warning: keep away from small children (obese children are okay), secure your pets, drink plenty of fluids, do not listen to Rabbi Beaner-Flipple if you are allergic to Rabbi Beaner-Flipple, drink responsibly, any resemblance to real life music is purely coincidental, this production has not been approved, endorsed, or authorized by Chicago Cubs National League Ball Club, no barnyard animals were harmed in the making of this song (however, several mosquitoes were necessarily squished during the process), indoor use only, do not use this song as a personal flotation device, this song is not microwave safe!

Please take care, and thank you for listening / not listening,

By the way, we are soon to be experiencing this!


It's not only suggested that we are going to be breaking temperature records for the next week or so, but we are forecast to do so by a fair margin. Up until now, it's never been above 110° towards the end of September, much less into early October.

If I were any amount healthy, I would seriously consider moving to the high desert, someplace where the temperatures aren't as insufferable, yesterday being all of 113 degrees, whereas our normal temperatures are expected to be in the 90's this time of year.

I should, however, be grateful that we've finally stopped the streak of consecutive 100° days. That streak ended last week at 113. The previous record streak consisted of 76 consecutive days.

We’ve also broken the record for the number of days at or above 110° by a fair amount (and continue to do so). And then also, we scorched the record for overnight low temperatures - the number of calendar days remaining above 90° overnight, having experienced somewhere near two dozen of those (formerly a rarity).

Of course, climatologically speaking, it is supposed to be exceedingly hot here during the summer months, just not this hot.

So there you have it, the heat is on! At least the Summer long humidity has finally dissipated. And we did experience several consecutive days last week where it was only into the gloriously hospitable 90s!


I did listen (to some of it), thank you for sharing!
Music video and everything!
How cool is the beginning, with you roaming around inside the nursing home

I’m happy you people at least have broken some records with the heat.
It very depressing to freeze half way to death or to boil constantly for weeks, and then end up just below the last record. If I have to freeze or boil - at least I want to break a record with all my suffering.
Well I enjoyed your song creation and the first part made me laugh! Rabbi Beaner Flipple LOL. You crack me up Howard.

I've always said whether or not someone is into what you've created.............the fact that you have created in the first place is something I admire very much. I hope that you keep that creativity. Creativity for me comes with its ebbs and flows.

Re:weather. Do I dare say it's getting kind of scary?
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