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Still on most of Joshua Leisk protocol

Hi all,

I'm still waiting for my nmn sublingual to arrive. Taking ages! Hoping this gives me a better time of things. In terms of energy envelope. After the flu jab my energy envelope has reduced by 50 to 75%. But colds are making it much closer to 50. I had one brief energy spurt where I was able to do hours of stuff one weekend 12 days ago. Since then I had one further smaller energy spurt.

My fatigue is under control again unless I get a cold. What I'm noticing is that the day before a cold the fatigue is intense and then it disappears.

Interesting then that all I've done to get this under control is follow Joshua's 3.2 protocol. Here's what I've noticed,

Before each vaccine I feel pretty good. It normally takes me 3 months to fully recover from a vaccine shot.

After a vaccine shot I loose most of my energy envelope.

When I get a cold the symptoms are far less severe than a year ago.

My multiple chemical sensivity is still problematic but not like it was in the past. However it's a stand out symptom which hasn't moved much with Joshua's protocol.



I've stopped bets glucans completely so I can deal with the declining neutrophil problem. If it's not caused by too much oat bran someone on the forum suggested it was possibly herpes veridai. Now what I tbinkts happening is that every time I get a a vaccine the herpes viruses get a 2 to 4 week window. To flourish and then I have to start all over again to beat them back.

This constant cycling might be why the neutrophils are so low. Because with each activation bacterial infections will rise and then the neutrophils are going to get hammered.

I am starting a trial if high dose vitamin b3. Shown to kill resistant bacterial infections and more importantly increase neutrophil counts. The dose seems to be 1000mg b3 3c a day and according to Mary's doctor (A dose of 1000mg a day is deemed safe). Even so I have read multiple accounts of 3000mg also being safe and non toxic. Even so I might take half to begin with.

I will get my bloods retested in 4 weeks to see if the neutrophils have gone up.

One interesting final point. I've had my bloods taken 4 times and usually the bloods were taken before a vaccine. So the interesting thing is the neutrophils don't appear to be dropping in relation to symptom severity. There's another reason. If symptoms when milder mean lower herpes veridai viral particles. Then it would seem safe to assume that herpes viruses are not the cause of my issues.

I cannot see how a patient would go from having bad fatigue, pem and inability to tolerate walks of almost all lengths. To having no fatigue, very mild to non existent pem and tolerate walks of 40 minutes 3 x a week and yet still have herpes veridai viruses raging.

What I am trying to say is the glucan and reishi mix would appear to be working. But because of the vaccines it just hasn't had a hope in hell of really raising the bar. I hope this year without anymore vaccines! That from February onwards I can start to get my life back.

The alternatives in the UK are scarce and extremely expensive. Far moreso than America and with far fewer doctors available. My American friend finds this wholly strange. But he's from the big city. Maybe if he lived in a poor area of America he might change his tune? Who knows.


I am starting a trial if high dose vitamin b3. Shown to kill resistant bacterial infections and more importantly increase neutrophil counts. The dose seems to be 1000mg b3 3c a day and according to Mary's doctor this dose isn't actually that high.
@godlovesatrier - actually my doctor told me that 1000 mg a day total is the safe upper limit for taking niacin, and also the dose should be divided up. Too much niacin can cause liver damage.

Also, avoid time release niacin. Apparently having the liver continually bathed in niacin as would happen with a time-release product is one of the causes of damage.

I really don't think you should take 3000 mg a day. Did Joshua recommend this?

I have had good results lately with a product called Hyssinol (Hyssinol Hyssop Complex Formula, Premier Research Labs (nhc.com) ) which seems to be quite effective for a mycoplasma infection I've been fighting. For years I've gotten sick (respiratory) each time I crashed and the hyssinol which my chiropractor gave me a few weeks ago is helping a lot. I think it's supposed to be effective for other things besides mycoplasma but I don't know for sure.
Hey Mary,

I have amended my post thank you.

I'm going to take half to begin with. I have to try something because I need my body to stop using up all my neutrophils.

I don't work with Joshua these days because he's moved into some sort of political activism, he doesn't seem to be spending as much time looking at ME stuff.

Interesting, it's not got anything in very high concentrations. But noted it has brocolli, egcg and apple cider vinegar in tiny amounts. How many do you normally take? EGCG helps me loads, it's so useful!

But there are very few strong anti microbials that actually work, that's the main issue Mary. Trust me I've tried everything else and they don't work. But also nothing else increases neutrophil counts like b3 is meant to. I've stopped taking the oat bran for now though until I can resolve the neutrophil issue.
@godlovesatrier - do beta glucans lower neutrophils? I thought it was supposed to either increase them or make them more effective. My WBC has been low for 20 years and doctors always just shrug.

Low copper can cause low WBC count - have you looked into this?

Also, have you been taking niacin already? If you haven't then possibly a dose of 1000 mg a day might be enough to increase your WBC.

About the Hyssinol - when sick I take 3 or 4 a day, one with each meal and one before bed. It works rather quickly much to my surprise. Yesterday I was quite sick, and it usually goes on for a few weeks while I throw everything I have at it, but today I woke up and actually had some energy. I'm more tired now, but way better than yesterday. I've never had anything work this quickly. I've got a call in to my chiropractor to find out if it's good for other things besides mycoplasma. His wife had indicated they always have it on hand during cold and flu season so I'm trying to get more info. I couldn't find any on-line.

Beta glucans feed neutrophils and monocytes, so it makes sense if you give them tons of fuel they'd be used up too quickly. It's another possible cause, but there are of course lots of causes for neutropenia. My neutrophils are extremely low btw Mary not just low, they will dip below 1000 in about 3 months I reckon.

As for increasing or decreasing WBC's - it might do that for the others maybe...but that certainly hasn't been my experience - my blood tests show mild increases in WBC's taking everything I take.

Heard of Copper but I'd need to get my doctor to test for it.

Only just started niacin, I'm taking 750mg a day, do need to get up to 1000 though.

The hyssinol - are you taking a pure extract? I think the one you linked me has all sorts in it, inc green tea. So the hyssinol would be having next to no effect if you're taking the blend. The brand I saw last had 12 different ingredients in it?
Oh yes my copper levels on my hair and mineral analysis were ok, then again those tests can be interpreted many ways. But it looked to be at an ok level.
The hyssinol - are you taking a pure extract? I think the one you linked me has all sorts in it, inc green tea. So the hyssinol would be having next to no effect if you're taking the blend. The brand I saw last had 12 different ingredients in it?
Actually Hyssinol is the brand name and it contains hyssop and several other ingredients, like you mentioned. I tested strong for it (muscle testing), my chiropractor said it was effective against mycoplasma so I've been taking it. Overall it has been helping me, though 2 days ago I got quite sick again (I'd had a rough week and I think that's why). I'm on the mend quicker than before but unfortunately it has not eradicated the mycoplasma.

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