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Valcyte - is it available anywhere in UK?

I have CMV (extremely high titers) and i've been trying my best to treat it with antiviral herbs and immune modulators for the past two years with no improvement. I know its time to try Valcyte, so I am looking for help in finding a Dr in the UK that uses it to treat CMV. Does anyone have any info on this? I would really appreciate any help.

(I know it can be bought online but I would ideally like a Dr to prescribe so that the liver, bone marrow etc can be monitored as its quite a toxic drug)


iherb 10% discount code OPA989,
australia (brisbane)
I have CMV (extremely high titers) and i've been trying my best to treat it with antiviral herbs and immune modulators for the past two years with no improvement. I know its time to try Valcyte, so I am looking for help in finding a Dr in the UK that uses it to treat CMV. Does anyone have any info on this? I would really appreciate any help.

(I know it can be bought online but I would ideally like a Dr to prescribe so that the liver, bone marrow etc can be monitored as its quite a toxic drug)

For what it's worth, I've read where bodybuilders in the UK monitor their health/bloods through private pathology companies where you don't need a Dr to authorise the blood test.

Hopefully you can find a Dr willing to monitor you. It's probably going to be hard if on valcyte as it's indications are quite narrow. Off the top of my head it would be prescribed for HIV, organ transplants and severe immune deficiencies. That's basically the case here in Australia with our 'free' healthcare system.

Online sources of valcyte the best price I've seen is for generic valgan $125usd for 16 tabs. Quite expensive for a 6 month course and a dosage change can make a big difference to the cost.

I would have thought after all these years valcyte would have come down in price and be more affordable for most mecfsers.
Cmx001 was a new antiviral for cmv, hhv6 etc and it was spoken about being close to being released onto the market over 10yrs ago. My thought on cmx001 was that it would give us another option and or bring the price down of valcyte considerably??
For what it's worth, I've read where bodybuilders in the UK monitor their health/bloods through private pathology companies where you don't need a Dr to authorise the blood test.

Hopefully you can find a Dr willing to monitor you. It's probably going to be hard if on valcyte as it's indications are quite narrow. Off the top of my head it would be prescribed for HIV, organ transplants and severe immune deficiencies. That's basically the case here in Australia with our 'free' healthcare system.

Online sources of valcyte the best price I've seen is for generic valgan $125usd for 16 tabs. Quite expensive for a 6 month course and a dosage change can make a big difference to the cost.

I would have thought after all these years valcyte would have come down in price and be more affordable for most mecfsers.
Cmx001 was a new antiviral for cmv, hhv6 etc and it was spoken about being close to being released onto the market over 10yrs ago. My thought on cmx001 was that it would give us another option and or bring the price down of valcyte considerably??

thanks. is cmx001 the same as brincidofovir? Is this available to buy yet or does anypne know if this is used by any privatre dr in UK?


Senior Member
Pacific Northwest
It seems to be in the British National Formulary.

There are now at least 2 generic forms in the US and the price has finally come down substantially. I'm in the US and my doctor initially prescribed 2 450 pills twice daily, for several months, then 1 pill twice daily. He uses PCR tests not viral titers to track my herpesviruses.

This Is a good discussion of drugs that are effective against cytomegalovirus:

It seems to be in the British National Formulary.

There are now at least 2 generic forms in the US and the price has finally come down substantially. I'm in the US and my doctor initially prescribed 2 450 pills twice daily, for several months, then 1 pill twice daily. He uses PCR tests not viral titers to track my herpesviruses.

This Is a good discussion of drugs that are effective against cytomegalovirus:


Thanks. I'm going to try ganciclovir as I can't tolerate any medication containing hydrochloride, as valganciclovir does, as it aggravates gastritis symptoms. Its more affordable for me also but I am wondering if it's as effective as the latter? Worth a try?


iherb 10% discount code OPA989,
australia (brisbane)
Thanks. I'm going to try ganciclovir as I can't tolerate any medication containing hydrochloride, as valganciclovir does, as it aggravates gastritis symptoms. Its more affordable for me also but I am wondering if it's as effective as the latter? Worth a try?

I'm not sure it works out cheaper as ganciclovir has to be dosed more frequently.

Something worth talking to your Dr about is probenecid. It's commonly used with antibiotics and antivirals as it can increase blood levels and the half life of antivirals. Caution is it can increase levels of many drugs which could be an issue. But it can make using antivirals cheaper to use.