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Question on research on Adenosine


Senior Member
I saw a video on how caffeine works by chance...

...and then I googled Adenosine.
Check out the diagram on that page. Think about how your diagram would look.

So, if all this research on sleep exists, is there much about how it manifests with people with ME/CFS? Maybe I have an unnecessary build up of Adenosine, or maybe there's something wrong in my sleep that doesn't make it clear out.

I feel like I have grogginess for hours after I wake up, rather than half an hour. Why does that happen?

Is there research going on about this? Or is sleep research not relevant to ME/CFS?


Senior Member
Hi, I also had this thought a few years ago. There is an old, small study that showed Adenosine levels were really high in CFS. I haven't ever seen it picked up again, although it's something I'm sure Ron Davis or the NIH would find if it were in really high levels (maybe it was in the Naviaux study). One problem is Adenosine is in and out of the blood very quick, and it naturally fluctuates a lot so it's not a test you can get once and rely upon. I think it's probably not a problem, caffeine is a great Adenosine receptor antagonist, and it doesn't generally help in CFS.

You might check out the Zinns, two neurologists, from DePaul that study the brain in CFS. They have shown for example, neural oscillations are disrupted in CFS indicating a disrupted circadian rhythm.

I feel like I have grogginess for hours after I wake up, rather than half an hour. Why does that happen?

I don't know. Sorry. Midodrine did help me with that grogginess.