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Potassium and sudden frequent urination

I've been on Freddd's protocol for going on 4 weeks. I've required approx 1500-2000 mcg potassium per day. It's an immediate need upon taking the B12/methylfolate. I've been drinking coconut water primarily for it. I was thinking it was good for hydration also, but now I'm worried. Today, I have had to urinate way more than usual all day long. I've read the potassium is a diuretic....Can anyone tell me what to do? It's a need, but it seems to now be throwing my system off. Thanks so much!

Jonathan Edwards

Potassium is not diuretic in the sort of doses you mention (I think you mean milligrams?). Urinating more is likely to be due to drinking more - i.e. being well hydrated. I would be surprised if there was any immediate need for potassium. As I understand it any need for potassium is supposed to be because of making new cells and that would take hours or days.


Senior Member
How many oz of coconut water per day are you drinking?

It's worth noting that starting Freddd's protocol seems to cause the body to dump excess water, even without increased water intake. Maybe you're just peeing some bloat. Freddd himself noted that this happened to him.


Senior Member
southeast US
I've been on Freddd's protocol for going on 4 weeks. I've required approx 1500-2000 mcg potassium per day. It's an immediate need upon taking the B12/methylfolate. I've been drinking coconut water primarily for it. I was thinking it was good for hydration also, but now I'm worried. Today, I have had to urinate way more than usual all day long. I've read the potassium is a diuretic....Can anyone tell me what to do? It's a need, but it seems to now be throwing my system off. Thanks so much!

If you're on Freddd's protocol there's almost definitely an immediate need for extra potassium. Not taking it when your body begins using much more of it can be dangerous.

All kind of advice can be heard here, but if you're going to trust using his protocol you may wish to defer to his advice regarding the importance of added potassium after start-up.

I think the extra peeing is something many of us experienced on his protocol, myself included. I just always tried to replenish so as not to get dehydrated.


Senior Member
southeast US
Hi Nikki7,

Along with replenishing water you probably know the other b vitamins and electrolytes may need some restocking as well.


Senior Member
Potassium isn't always needed. Some folks need to watch potassium levels, including those with poor renal function, low thiamine or magnesium, etc..

The first time I did methylcobalamin shots was way back in 2003. Took them for almost six months, helped tremendously, and at no time did I need supplemental potassium.


Senior Member
southeast US
Potassium isn't always needed. Some folks need to watch potassium levels, including those with poor renal function, low thiamine or magnesium, etc..

The first time I did methylcobalamin shots was way back in 2003. Took them for almost six months, helped tremendously, and at no time did I need supplemental potassium.

Hi dannybex,

Well, there are exceptions to most things, but I'm guessing you're in the minority.

And simply taking b12 shots is not the same as going on Fredd's protocol which as I understood the OP was the reason for taking the extra potassium. I could be missing something, though, Danny, brain fog creeping in tonight.


Senior Member
Today, I have had to urinate way more than usual all day long
If you start having shallow breathing, as many people report here, you are having metabolic acidosis. The increased urination is because your body is trying to get rid of excess acidity.

My hypothesis is that people who don't have insulin resistance will fall in this trap. People who have insulin resistance semm to benefit from supplementing potassium while taking methylation supplements. I might be wrong for generalizing it though. But it happened to me. there were only two things that helped me: magnesium oxide orally and sodium bicarbonate baths.
How many oz of coconut water per day are you drinking?

It's worth noting that starting Freddd's protocol seems to cause the body to dump excess water, even without increased water intake. Maybe you're just peeing some bloat. Freddd himself noted that this happened to him.
Approx 48oz coconut water a day
How many oz of coconut water per day are you drinking?

It's worth noting that starting Freddd's protocol seems to cause the body to dump excess water, even without increased water intake. Maybe you're just peeing some bloat. Freddd himself noted that this happened to him.
Approx 36-48 oz coconut water per day! It's a lot but Im requiring the potassium.


Senior Member
If you start having shallow breathing, as many people report here, you are having metabolic acidosis. The increased urination is because your body is trying to get rid of excess acidity.

My hypothesis is that people who don't have insulin resistance will fall in this trap. People who have insulin resistance semm to benefit from supplementing potassium while taking methylation supplements. I might be wrong for generalizing it though. But it happened to me. there were only two things that helped me: magnesium oxide orally and sodium bicarbonate baths.

@Gondwanaland you have impressed me again with your knowledge. I've got some PH strips and will test this to see if this is why I'm waking up to urinate in the middle of the night.

Jonathan Edwards

If you start having shallow breathing, as many people report here, you are having metabolic acidosis. The increased urination is because your body is trying to get rid of excess acidity.

Actually I think you mean deep breathing, Gondwanaland. Metabolic acidosis produces 'air hunger' where people breathe more deeply than usual at rest. And to get air hunger you have to have pretty severe acidosis - of the sort that would be worth going to the emergency room for.

I cannot see any reason why coconut water should produce acidosis. Wine is far more acid, as probably is coca-cola. Potassium comes either as neutral or alkaline preparations.


Senior Member
36-48 oz coconut water per day! It's a lot but Im requiring the potassium.
Nikki, that volume of liquid could entirely account for the increase in urination, especially if you're drinking water or other stuff when you're not drinking coconut water.

Why don't you try some potassium in powder form? That's an easier way to get it than trying to increase your potassium intake that much with food. Potassium powder tastes like ass even in juice but I put it in a shot glass with a little liquid and shoot it. Gets it over with. :) Then I chase with water or soemthing tasty.


Senior Member
I can't comment on this protocol, and generally agree with Dr. Edwards concerning dietary requirements. What I've learned in dealing with one particular person who has survived a rare condition (hypokalemic period paralysis) longer than doctors expected is that there is a strong connection between insulin sensitivity, exercise, carbohydrate metabolism and ratios of intracellular/extracellular potassium ions. These ratios can change very rapidly. Fluctuations in potassium levels inside and outside cells take place in people who do not have channelopathies, but those channelopathies highlight dynamic changes that commonly go unrecognized. At this time about half of those with clearly diagnosed potassium channelopathies do not have a recognized cause, and we simply don't know how many less extreme versions may be out there undetected.

I want to caution all those inclined to experiment with massive changes to electrolytes by mentioning that KCl is used in lethal injections. First do no harm.


Senior Member
Actually I think you mean deep breathing, Gondwanaland. Metabolic acidosis produces 'air hunger' where people breathe more deeply than usual at rest.
Actually it is an inability to take a deep breath, you keep trying, but you just can't, you inspire and can't get enough air, so it feels like your breathing is shallow

And to get air hunger you have to have pretty severe acidosis - of the sort that would be worth going to the emergency room for.
I had undiagnosed acidosis for several months, went 3x to the ER and was discharged as having a panick attack and to see my personal doctor/psychiatrist. Now I know that panick attacks are actually hypoglycemia attacks

I cannot see any reason why coconut water should produce acidosis. Wine is far more acid, as probably is coca-cola. Potassium comes either as neutral or alkaline preparations.
The fructose in the coconut water raises serum uric acid
there is a strong connection between insulin sensitivity, exercise, carbohydrate metabolism and ratios of intracellular/extracellular potassium ions
I have been thinking a lot about this connection lately and am preparing a new discussion thread about it
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Senior Member
I can't comment on this protocol, and generally agree with Dr. Edwards concerning dietary requirements. What I've learned in dealing with one particular person who has survived a rare condition (hypokalemic period paralysis) longer than doctors expected is that there is a strong connection between insulin sensitivity, exercise, carbohydrate metabolism and ratios of intracellular/extracellular potassium ions. These ratios can change very rapidly. Fluctuations in potassium levels inside and outside cells take place in people who do not have channelopathies, but those channelopathies highlight dynamic changes that commonly go unrecognized. At this time about half of those with clearly diagnosed potassium channelopathies do not have a recognized cause, and we simply don't know how many less extreme versions may be out there undetected.

I want to caution all those inclined to experiment with massive changes to electrolytes by mentioning that KCl is used in lethal injections. First do no harm.

Out of interest, how is potassium Chanelopathies diagnosed?


Senior Member
There are a number of distinct diseases as shown by this page. Very different methods apply to different diseases.

Actual paralysis should be a real giveaway, but even that can be misdiagnosed as psychiatric catatonia. Extreme weakness, as in myasthenia gravis, is another clue. In other disorders there are clear disturbances in nerves which result in measurable abnormal electrical discharges which show up on EKGs, EEGs or EMGs. Most patients go years without a correct diagnosis, even when doctors are sure they have a serious problem. I hesitate to mention the time I've heard, and hope that is an exaggeration based on old data.

In the patient I've mentioned the severity of his condition left doctors in no doubt it was life-threatening. Any doctor who saw that EKG during a provocative test would have his malpractice insurance company on speed dial.

I have to remind people here that this is quite a rare condition, and known causes are hereditary. You aren't going to catch it.

Just in case this will reach anyone who might not be aware of the disease or organizations dealing with it, I'll link the periodic paralysis association web page.