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Loneliness alters your brain's social network. Big shocker, eh?

YippeeKi YOW !!

Senior Member
Second star to the right ...
This probably won't be a big surprize to most of us, but it's a very short. very easy read, and confirms what a lot of us have already learned ....

Loneliness alters your brain's social network
Feeling disconnected from others is reflected by how the brain represents relationships

EDIT, 11:14 PM .... Really? Fourteen views and not one measly comment or like? I'm hurt.


Hurt :cry::cry: :( :jaw-drop::wide-eyed:.
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YippeeKi YOW !!

Senior Member
Second star to the right ...
Gotta be good for something :rofl::rofl::rofl:
Oh, stop !!! You're a particularly caring, thoughty, kind and giving soul, you're just going thru a rough patch right now .....

I know, sometimes it seems like it's all a rough patch with very brief bits of slightly smoother road, then back to the Three Fates: Rough, Rougher, Roughest .... but once you shake off the after-effects of the cold that knocked you out so badly, I promise that things will look better :thumbsup::thumbsup:.

Not perfect, but better :).

And don't be putting yourself down. Believe me, we live in a world where there are plenty of volunteers for the job. Miserable bustards :grumpy::grumpy:, every one of them :meh:....
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Forum Support Assistant
"Thinking about someone from each category corresponded to a different activity pattern in the mPFC: one for the self, one for the social network (both friends and acquaintances), and one for celebrities."

It's interesting that thinking about celebrities activates a particular neural pattern in the brain. I wonder if that's because people can feel a strong emotional connection to a particular celebrity even though they've never met that person.

This quote makes me think about emotion connections (good and bad) and how they must influence the brain:
I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.

―Maya Angelou

YippeeKi YOW !!

Senior Member
Second star to the right ...
You know, our brains soical network is altered, we have completely forgotten how to like and comment :rofl::rofl::rofl::lol::_
That was posted before all of you good, kind, socially-network-unimpaired souls turned up ..... which I'm deeply grateful for :thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup: :woot::woot: ...

I think that one of the many benefits to this site is that it rescues us from truly severe social impairment and abject loneliness. We're a good group, by and large, and I'm really grateful that, a) I found this site, and b) after much hesitation, I actually signed up here .... it's saved my life ....

The above is the reason that I posted this thread in a non-members only forum, open to anyone who accesses the site .... it may help motivate others who might have the same hesitations that I did, and that I've read others expressing, too.