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Hyper with Hypo symptoms?


Senior Member
New Mexico
I agree with xptiado........you really need to see what your cortisol levels x4 are doing before deciding what to take for your adrenals. High and low cortisol symptoms overlap. If you suspect you are low on dopamine I would try l-phenylalanine. It brought me out of a deep depression.
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My salivary dhea was 3x above range. I do not know how to lower this. I was today thinking of posting in the adrenal fatigue section or in curezone.

I think in ur case dhea could be trying to elevate cortisol.

Have u ever taken accutane or finasteride? Or any natural 5ar inhibitors?

My serotonin results come very high:

367,4 ng/ml Ref: 30 – 200 ng/ml

Gabapentin can increase serotonin?

Also, whit my high Ferritin and low transferrin, I can have hemochromatosis (iron overload).

I will investigate whit a doctor.

Still wanting for my MMA results to se if I had a b12 deficiency. Maybe b12 deficiency can cause high ferritin and adrenal/hypothyroidism symptoms.
This requires more attention

Go to a doctor and mention ur serotonin is high a d ur prolactin too.
Maybe test at least for c reactive protein.
That is a bit awkward imo.
Ok thats very good.

But now go you must go to the doctor. I still find the serotonin resukt weird. Dont play around with high serotonin values.

By any chance did you test dopamine?


These are my results from last blood test:


0,36 ng/ml Ref: 2,10 – 17,70 ng/ml

Free T4:

1,72 ng/dl Ref: 0,70 – 1,80 ng/dl

Free T3:

0,55 ng/dl Ref: 0,20 – 0,40 ng/dl



In the blood test done in 05/26, my Prolactin was 41,09 ng/ml. I was taking Gabapentin , and this drug increase prolactin. So, I begin to take Cabergoline (Cabertrix, generic of Dostinex) at 0,25 mg 2 times a week. My goal was to lower it to the 4-7 range , but this drug works and know I am deficient on it, at 0,36 ng/ml. I have no side effect from Cabergoline.


In the blood test done in 05/26, my Free T3 was 0,80 ng/dl, so 2 times over the top of range. I was taking 4 grains of NDT, whit wake up temperature of 36 celsius.

So, I lowered my dose of NDT to 1 grain and starting taking 75 mcg of synthetic T4, because I supposed that since my Free T3 was out of range, my T4 must be low. But the recent blood test my Free T4 is now at 1,72 ng/dl, so around 90% in the range, is too high.

I am now of Gabapentin, I don’t take more this drug. I am happy for that.

My Methyl Malonic Acid Test results was out of range, at 0,62 umol/l Ref 0,08 – 0,56 umol/l. A high Methyl Malonic Acid Test indicates functional b12 deficiency, so I starting taking Methylb12 at 5000 mcg but when I take b12 I fell tired and sleepy, so now I take this dose at night and sleep normally. I will buy Hidroxyb12 to see If I feel better, since I don’t know If getting tired after taking Methylb12 is a normal reaction.

So, whit low prolactin and high Free T3 and Free T4 I am still cold at 36 Celsius, my sleep is not refreshing, and my legs are weak, whit pain in the knee joint and internal resistance when I contract my legs.

In the next 6 weeks I will take only half grain of NDT, don’t take more synthetic T4 and will began to chelate iron whit IP6, since my ferritin was more than 300 in the previous exam.

Thank you for your attention.