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Considering Accutane. Good idea?


Senior Member
United States, New Hampshire
@ljimbo423 , sorry I deleted the previous posts because my name was on 1 photo...
I'm currently taking Zeolite for leaky gut, pulsing rifaximin and bio-kult and mesalazine for the gut. I have also my concerns about taking antibiotics to heal my gut while my microbiome seems not that bad. But I will do what KDM prescribes me until the next appointment and then ask if I still have dysbiosis and if I could switch to herbal antibiotics. Is it a good idea to just add glutamine or colostrum because I take lots of other supplements (Chlorella, DHA, Choline, PQQ)?

I don't think glutamine and colostrum will interact with the supplements you are taking. I don't know about the medications you are taking though, you might want to ask KDM about that.



Senior Member
@Judee , thanks for the good recommendations!

@pattismith yes I have headaches, brain fog and muscles symptoms but it didn't develop during taking tetracyclines or shortly after. But thanks for the information of intracranial hypertension, this is the first time I heard of it. I suffer from daily severe headaches (behind my eyes), eye pain and blurred vision. So it would be good to check this, I want discuss this with my GP. Are these symptoms quite common for ME/CFS or not?

yes they are.

My muscles problems didn't show up when I was under tetra, it came progressively years after.

But it increased dramatically this year (I am 50 now) when I had a long course of Tetra.

Take care


Senior Member
NSW Australia
My son (who does not have ME) is taking accutane for severe acne. He feels fine but needs to stay indoors to avoid sun damage. His dermatologist is monitoring any possible side effects but all seems to be going well.


Senior Member
I suffer from daily severe headaches (behind my eyes), eye pain and blurred vision.

The next time you see your eye doctor ask him/her to put a couple of drops of Homatropine (or a similar cycloplegic eye drop -- probably not something as strong as Atropine). See if that has any effect on the pain or blurred vision.

The eye doctor should check your prescription before putting in the eye drops and after they have taken effect.

This is just a hunch on my part but ......