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A Proposed New Model to Explain the Role of Low Dose Non-DNA Targeted Radiation Exposure in Chronic Fatigue and Immune Dysfunction Syndrome


Senior Member
In these two links, there's a discussion about radiation. related to Uranium. I have read about the Iraq war issues.

My question is, have any other scientists addressed or validated the connection to Uranium, or have any ME/CFS organizations supported the notion of chromosomal damage or concluded a link to ME/CFS?

National CFIDS Foundation Creates New Disease Model for its Radiation-Exposed Patient Cohort​

The National CFIDS Foundation (NCF) identified radiation exposure and subsequent chromosome damage in its own patient cohort a decade ago. In more recent years, scientists, working with the NCF, have made noteworthy discoveries that have assisted in the generation of this model, the first of its kind to be applied to Chronic Fatigue and Immune Dysfunction Syndrome (CFIDS) also known as Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) as well as Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (ME). See also video.

A Proposed New Model to Explain the Role of Low Dose Non-DNA Targeted Radiation Exposure in Chronic Fatigue and Immune Dysfunction Syndrome​


Other papers see : https://www.mdpi.com/1422-0067/23/2/691


  • 371479_liver_cancer_and_exposure_to_ionizing_radiation.pdf
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Senior Member
I skimmed the paper, and the impression I got was that they were really stretching data to make their conclusions. I felt like they decided on their conclusions first (radiation is responsible for various diseases!) and then looked for data, possibly taken out of context, that supported it. I'm certainly no expert in biological effects of radiation, but I get the impression that their "supporting evidence" is based on high levels of radiation on individual cells, which probably doesn't apply to low levels in a whole body.


Senior Member
My question is, have any other scientists addressed or validated the connection to Uranium, or have any ME/CFS organizations supported the notion of chromosomal damage or concluded a link to ME/CFS?

The National CFIDS Foundation are obsessed with radiation an ME/CFS. I don't think their work and interests have any bearing on the average ME/CFS patient.

Whilst it is true that major ionising radiation exposure can cause an ME/CFS-like condition, unless you have been caught up in some nuclear accident, you are not going to have any such exposure.


Senior Member
The National CFIDS Foundation are obsessed with radiation an ME/CFS. I don't think their work and interests have any bearing on the average ME/CFS patient.

Whilst it is true that major ionising radiation exposure can cause an ME/CFS-like condition, unless you have been caught up in some nuclear accident, you are not going to have any such exposure.
I'm sure you're right although as a child Chernobyl spread across Europe. Not sure about the Americas and southern hemisphere. Not sure how great the exposure. That was 86 wasn't it and people suffered with CFS before that


Senior Member
I'm sure you're right although as a child Chernobyl spread across Europe. Not sure about the Americas and southern hemisphere. Not sure how great the exposure. That was 86 wasn't it and people suffered with CFS before that

I found this article which says:
Chernobyl's radiation was detectable across Western Europe. Average doses received ranged from 0.02 mrem (Portugal) to 38 mrem (portions of Germany).[

You can compare those mrem doses to the yearly amount of radiation we each receive on average each year from natural sources and medical sources, which is 633 mrem:


Source: here

So even in the worst affected countries of Western Europe, the radiation dose received from Chernobyl is less than a tenth of the normal yearly dose.


Senior Member
That was 86 wasn't it and people suffered with CFS before that
Very good point. I absolutely agree, but some obsession with a theory fails to acknowledge these facts.
receive on average each year from natural sources and medical sources, which is 633 mrem:
How can we halt the spread of misleading information that uranium is the cause of ME/CFS?


Senior Member
How can we halt the spread of misleading information that uranium is the cause of ME/CFS?

I don't think anyone pays much attention to the National CFIDS Foundation. If I remember correctly (and I may not), the founders come from a physics background, so this may be why they want to attempt to explain ME/CFS in terms of physics phenomena such as radiation.


Senior Member
How can we halt the spread of misleading information that uranium is the cause of ME/CFS?
Probably illegal, but it would be funny if someone could alter all the photos of those supporters showing them wearing silly "radiation protection" outfits so no one would take them seriously.