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A and D from fish oil

I've taken vitamin a and d from fish oil, as a supplement (not cod liver oil, only the vitamins) for years.

I recently tried to order this and it seems ALL the brands now sell vit a and d as a synthetic version "and" also from fish oil, with no mention of how much is from fish oil and how much is synthetic!

Has anyone else noticed this and been able to find a supplement that contains only vitamins a and d from fish oil (other than the obvious cod liver oil supplement)?


Senior Member
Ah, that marketing ploy again. I heard that petroleum companies were allowed to market regular diesel as 'biofuel (Eco-friendly!!!! Green!!!!!)' if it was mixed with actual biodiesel...even if it was only a teaspoon in a tanker load. You'll have to search for a product that guarantees that it doesn't contain any synthetics, and double-check the fine print.


FYI, I had a thread going, Fish Oil lowers NK cell, so I am not sure is a good idea for cfs (w immune issues like low NKs plp) I could never raise the NK, I will see now that I have been off of it, if it goes up finally, will let know in my next tests.
Thank you both for your replies! Wishful, I know and hate that type of marketing ploy. That's the reason I've checked many products, this is a recent change and I cannot find any that contain only natural (from fish oil) a & d.

I was hoping someone could suggest a brand. Ive checked multiple reliable supplement brands and they all have synthetic vitamin a and d.

Inester7, thanks for pointing that out. I was specifically asking for vit a and d from, but not in, fish oil. So, the purified natural vitamins but not as cod liver oil, just the purified vitamins without the fish oil. This option does not seem to exist anymore.

I'm still hoping someone can suggest a brand that still offers this.


Senior Member
With all the marketing hype for omega-3 oils, there might not be enough fish left to supply demand. :(