Anemia of chronic disease in ME/CFS?


Senior Member
Hi Sara,

Um, what was deleted ? lol ... I keep talking to people about how blood draws make me weak for days afterwards but never thought to ask why or how to stop it. I thought this theory might explain it ... Increasing water intake and taking iron never helped.

tc ... x

Hi X,
When I read your post for the second time, I found out my answer to your comment was irrelevant, so I deleted it. My answer was about my experience, when phleobotomists try to draw blood and they cannot find a vein. They end up puncturing me 6-7 times and sometimes there is not enough blood to be drawn. I also get really ill for a few days after a blood draw.


Senior Member
Hi X,
When I read your post for the second time, I found out my answer to your comment was irrelevant, so I deleted it. My answer was about my experience, when phleobotomists try to draw blood and they cannot find a vein. They end up puncturing me 6-7 times and sometimes there is not enough blood to be drawn. I also get really ill for a few days after a blood draw.

Thanks for filling in the blanks here ... lol ... I know first hand how bad blood draws can be. I used have problems with blood draws until I seriously started loading up on salt and water for a couple of days prior. OH and I avoid it like the plague if I'm feeling sickly. In all these years, checking my blood while I was really sick never helped so why bother ?

Did you know that Medicare will send someone out to draw your blood if your doctor orders it ? I'm going to ask my doctor to do that for my next fasting because I had pre seizure activity after my last fasting blood draw.

Sorry to hear you get sick after a blood draw too. The more I think about this article the more I think it's why we do this. Do you know if Lymies do this ? I know one who does ...

tc ... x


Senior Member
The Netherlands
Zinc Protoporphyrin (ZPP), probably the best way to diagnose anemia of chronic disease (ACD).

"ZPP is not a simple parameter of iron deficiency but rather a screening parameter of iron deficient erythropoiesis, surveying all steps of the iron metabolism from iron uptake to its utilization.Thus, the ZPP determination can serve as a kind of end point control of the whole iron metabolism, which detects real iron deficiency as well as derangements of iron metabolism in chronic inflammatory and neoplastic disease, in sideroblastic disorders, eg, myelodyplasias, or after lead poisoning"

My results:
ZPP 0.30 [0 - 0.21 mmol/mol Hb]

ZPP 0.38 [0 - 0.21 mmol/mol Hb]

ZPP 0.43 [0 - 0.21 mmol/mol Hb]

ZPP 0.47 [0 - 0.21 mmol/mol Hb]

Little Bluestem

All Good Things Must Come to an End
ZPP returned to normal after successful treatment of the underlying disease.
That is not very encouraging to those who have a chronic disease for which not successful treatment is known.


Senior Member
The Netherlands
I just bought a used zinc protoporphyrin meter (Aviv hematofluorometer 206).


Just a drop of blood on a cover glass and the machine is doing the rest.
Unfortunately I do not get accurate results and I'm now trying to get my money back.
It could have been so nice...