Hello I am new here, I need some help regarding potential tests that I should get done and diagnosis when I go see my doctor.
I am about 98% confident that I have ME/CFS.
Prior to the illness I was reasonably fit and healthy although not perfect, my diet was pretty good and academically I was average but ok.
I think it started around late 2009, I came down with what seemed like a sinus infection whilst I was at University. After this infection my mental stamina and cognitive abilities diminished greatly, I could no longer read for long periods grasp complex subjects and theories and had permanent brain fog. Physically I was not too bad at this point, I was still excercising 3 times a week (although prior to this it was 5 to 6 times a week), which included running and body weight excercises but in the summer of 2010 I got a part time job and was working and excercising fine until I decided I needed a break from excercise as I felt tired. Anyway as I got back into running again after a months break, I found that I simply could not train at the same intensity as before nor could I run more than 3 miles anymore, it was impossible to increase my stamina and I had given up body weight excercises e.g. pushups, situps etc. I eventually decided to give up excercise as it was making me feel worse, also during this time my mental stamina suffered further.
From my limited knowledge of CFS/ME, my situation seems to match that of many ME/CFS patients and also those with adrenal fatigue.
In mid 2011 I got some blood tests done, these included the following off the top of my head:
red/white blood/patelete cell count
Haematocrit-MCV, MCH, MCHC
Neutrophil, lmyphocyte, monocyte, eosinophil, basolphil cell counts
blood sugar level
Urea and electrolytes- Sodium, potassium, urea, creatinine levels
Liver funtion test-serum alkaline, phosphate, ALT/SGPT, gamma glutamyl transferase, albumin, biliburin
Thyroid function test-TSH level
cholesterol level
vitamin D
Haemoglobin A1C (IFCC standardised)+(DCCT aligned)
PLasma C reactive protein
Only vitamin D came back as abnormally low, everthing else was fine. So since then I have been taking vitamin D3 from sunvite. with virtually no improvement in fact Im worse.
So today I went to see my doctor again and gave him the following list of symptoms I was suffering from:
Cognitive dysfunction
Brain Fog
Difficulty concentrating
Brain firing
Constant flu like malaise
Disturbed sleep patterns
Unrefreshing sleep
Muscle ache/pain especially legs after walking or standing long time
Cold fingers and feet
Post exertion malaise
Poor/slow recovery after exertion both mental and physical
Irritable bowel syndrome symptoms usually diarrhoea and steatorrhea
Chronic sinus
Swollen lymph glands
Recurring infections sore throat mainly
Sweating including night sweats
Less stamina both physical and mental
Cloudy urine occasionally
Increased sensitivity to heat and cold
I also told him "I think I have ME or MS". After reading the list he said "I dont think you have ME or MS" and told me that some of the symptoms that I listed were vague, which was not very helpful. He also asked me why do you think you have MS/ME?
I said because of the symptoms I listed, which I have had for 3 years and from the blood tests only coming back with vitamin D defficiency.
I probably should have stated the symptoms in a bit more detail though.
The doctor then told me to get some blood tests done (presumably the same ones), which I will get done on wednesday.
So what I need help on are the kind of tests that I could pressure my GP to carry out that will help me find out whats wrong with me other than the ones I have been tested for. I am thinking of sugesting a "tilts table test" and "blood analysis for candida".
And also would it be wise to ask my GP to refer me to some kind of specialist, such as a neurologist to check for brain lesions.
Just to note I am situated in the UK.
Sorry for the boring post
I am about 98% confident that I have ME/CFS.
Prior to the illness I was reasonably fit and healthy although not perfect, my diet was pretty good and academically I was average but ok.
I think it started around late 2009, I came down with what seemed like a sinus infection whilst I was at University. After this infection my mental stamina and cognitive abilities diminished greatly, I could no longer read for long periods grasp complex subjects and theories and had permanent brain fog. Physically I was not too bad at this point, I was still excercising 3 times a week (although prior to this it was 5 to 6 times a week), which included running and body weight excercises but in the summer of 2010 I got a part time job and was working and excercising fine until I decided I needed a break from excercise as I felt tired. Anyway as I got back into running again after a months break, I found that I simply could not train at the same intensity as before nor could I run more than 3 miles anymore, it was impossible to increase my stamina and I had given up body weight excercises e.g. pushups, situps etc. I eventually decided to give up excercise as it was making me feel worse, also during this time my mental stamina suffered further.
From my limited knowledge of CFS/ME, my situation seems to match that of many ME/CFS patients and also those with adrenal fatigue.
In mid 2011 I got some blood tests done, these included the following off the top of my head:
red/white blood/patelete cell count
Haematocrit-MCV, MCH, MCHC
Neutrophil, lmyphocyte, monocyte, eosinophil, basolphil cell counts
blood sugar level
Urea and electrolytes- Sodium, potassium, urea, creatinine levels
Liver funtion test-serum alkaline, phosphate, ALT/SGPT, gamma glutamyl transferase, albumin, biliburin
Thyroid function test-TSH level
cholesterol level
vitamin D
Haemoglobin A1C (IFCC standardised)+(DCCT aligned)
PLasma C reactive protein
Only vitamin D came back as abnormally low, everthing else was fine. So since then I have been taking vitamin D3 from sunvite. with virtually no improvement in fact Im worse.
So today I went to see my doctor again and gave him the following list of symptoms I was suffering from:
Cognitive dysfunction
Brain Fog
Difficulty concentrating
Brain firing
Constant flu like malaise
Disturbed sleep patterns
Unrefreshing sleep
Muscle ache/pain especially legs after walking or standing long time
Cold fingers and feet
Post exertion malaise
Poor/slow recovery after exertion both mental and physical
Irritable bowel syndrome symptoms usually diarrhoea and steatorrhea
Chronic sinus
Swollen lymph glands
Recurring infections sore throat mainly
Sweating including night sweats
Less stamina both physical and mental
Cloudy urine occasionally
Increased sensitivity to heat and cold
I also told him "I think I have ME or MS". After reading the list he said "I dont think you have ME or MS" and told me that some of the symptoms that I listed were vague, which was not very helpful. He also asked me why do you think you have MS/ME?
I said because of the symptoms I listed, which I have had for 3 years and from the blood tests only coming back with vitamin D defficiency.
The doctor then told me to get some blood tests done (presumably the same ones), which I will get done on wednesday.
So what I need help on are the kind of tests that I could pressure my GP to carry out that will help me find out whats wrong with me other than the ones I have been tested for. I am thinking of sugesting a "tilts table test" and "blood analysis for candida".
And also would it be wise to ask my GP to refer me to some kind of specialist, such as a neurologist to check for brain lesions.
Just to note I am situated in the UK.
Sorry for the boring post