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Which labs are people using with success for: MTHFR (etc) and Methylation profiling ?

I'd like some feedback and suggestions for labs in the USA.

Specifically, I'm looking for in-depth evaluation of methylation (and ideally more comprehensive metabolic pathways) status; and of course MTHFR and other more comprehensive genotyping.

Is there a lab which offers comprehensive genotyping in the US?

Is DDI the best insofar as completeness with methylation profiling?

I'd like to hear experiences from those who've had these tests performed recently.

Thank you.
Iverson Genetics offers the MTHFR test and turns results around in 24 hours. They will also be releasing a methylation panel at the end of this month.


Senior Member
I'd like some feedback and suggestions for labs in the USA.

Specifically, I'm looking for in-depth evaluation of methylation (and ideally more comprehensive metabolic pathways) status; and of course MTHFR and other more comprehensive genotyping.

Is there a lab which offers comprehensive genotyping in the US?

Is DDI the best insofar as completeness with methylation profiling?

I'd like to hear experiences from those who've had these tests performed recently.

Thank you.

Hi, endomeister.

23andme characterizes about 1 million SNPs in a saliva-based haplotype panel. It includes most (but not all) of the SNPs on Amy Yasko's panel. The price is lower.

For evaluating the status of the methylation cycle, folates, and glutathione, I favor the methylation pathways panel offered by Health Diagnostics and Research Institute in New Jersey, which requires an order from a physician or a chiropractor. It's very helpful to combine this with a plasma-amino acids panel. I favor the Metametrix 40 plasma amino acids panel. If it's feasible for you to run a larger combination metabolic panel, then the Genova Diagnostics NutrEval or the Metametrix ION panel can complement the methylation pathways panel well. If you have gut issues, a comprehensive stool analysis is necessary to identify the issues. I favor the Diagnos-Techs Expanded G.I. Panel (requires a doctor's order), but there are also panels offered by Metametrix, Genova Diagnostics, and Doctor's Data. Except for the ones I've noted that require a doctor's order, the others can be obtained from www.directlabs.com without a doctor's order.

Best regards,



Fine, thank you
For evaluating the status of the methylation cycle, folates, and glutathione, I favor the methylation pathways panel offered by Health Diagnostics and Research Institute in New Jersey, which requires an order from a physician or a chiropractor. It's very helpful to combine this with a plasma-amino acids panel. I favor the Metametrix 40 plasma amino acids panel. If it's feasible for you to run a larger combination metabolic panel, then the Genova Diagnostics NutrEval or the Metametrix ION panel can complement the methylation pathways panel well.

Hi Rich - I've started another thread asking UK people if/how they've managed to get a panel done. I looked online for the Health Diagnostics place but can't find a site - how do people contact them?


Fine, thank you
Another question, Rich! What do you think of the holistic heal test that sianrecovery found? She says it's a genetic rather than functional test. I assume it's this one.


Senior Member
Central Illinois, USA
I'm so excited, I'm getting the Methylations Pathways Panel test (hope it is here by early next week). Is there a dancing emoticon?? :thumbsup: That gives you a glimse into my life, excitement is getting a blood test :D. Anyway, its forward progress. In thre weeks hope to have some more info. Now I need to determine if an SNPs test is warranted.


Senior Member
Central Illinois, USA
I'm so excited, I'm getting the Methylations Pathways Panel test (hope it is here by early next week). Is there a dancing emoticon?? :thumbsup: That gives you a glimse into my life, excitement is getting a blood test :D. Anyway, its forward progress. In thre weeks hope to have some more info. Now I need to determine if an SNPs test is warranted.

Got my methylations pathways test results today :) now I'm trying to find Richv's thread that explains it all...I now I saved it but just can't even remember the name of the thread or recognise it in the list, argh :confused: