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Voices From the Shadows


Senior Member
Dear Timaca,

This is why I love Dr. Montoya. Like so many of the small handful of dedicated ME/CFS doctors, he had a comfortable career and he appreciated the risk of "academic suicide" that accompanied studying our illness but he could not turn his back on what he saw in patients and the clues that he observed pointing to the underlying the pathology of this disease.

Thank you for posting the video.



Donate Advocate Demonstrate
What an excellent snippet from Dr Montoya and waht a dedicated man. Please do watch this discussion video -its only 10 mintes long. In it Dr Montoya says that if CFS had the funding of other diseases we would be able to unravel the mystery within 5 years. He also highlighted the political aspect of the illness. He said that when he does a Toxoplasmosis study, 95% of the publications will accept them first time. With CFS studies a 100% of them are rejected straight off.


Senior Member
A sad commentary that Montoya's mentor told him to stay away from CFS as it would be academic suicide. Kind of hard to have objective research going on when those who might pursue it have basically been blackmailed into not doing it (ie only the hacks and those who can't compete for research $ will be doing research). Having comprehensive serious research done at an elite and respected institution like Stanford is one of the best things to have happened to us. We can only hope Dr. Montoya will have good things to report when the time comes. People like Dr. Montoya who blaze trails where others fear to tread or don't want to tread are the true heroes. I think this just emphasizes how broken parts of the NIH/CDC complex are. The system seems to be set up for the benefit of providing a pipeline for the drug companies and making a nice career for those with PhDs. Any health insights that might emerge are purely coincidental in many areas of research....


Phoenix Rising Founder
He exemplifies the kind of commitment researchers need to go after CFS. A hearty acknowledgement to him and all other researchers and physicians who have stuck their necks out for us. I guess we really don't in our heart of hearts realize how treacherous it is to take on CFS...these are their careers they are staking on this......that takes guts and real passion for the patients.


Senior Member
Timaca, you are a tease :) I hope you put up the link again, I was looking forward to seeing it, but wasn't fast enough... :-(

In the meantime, you can find it here,

Moderator -- have removed link at OP's request -- Kina.


iherb 10% discount code OPA989,
australia (brisbane)
Academic suicide, he's a legend for putting himself at this sort of risk, but also i think he knows there is something to cfs as all of us who have this know. There are a few good docs/researchers currently working for us and i dont think the answers are that far away either.



Senior Member
I'm actually asking the moderators to please remove this post and links. We are not certain that permission has been given by Dr. Montoya to post his comments in this way. (The film makers are aware of this concern.) So until that happens, please delete links to this discussion.

Once comments have been approved the link will be reposted.

Thanks, Timaca


Senior Member
I watched and was moved by the video.

I won't comment directly on the contents at this stage... except to offer a little note of personal philosophy - lots of people are complete conformists: they diligently follow fashions and conventions; they won't step away from the conventional path, and mock those who do. Yet many of the great success stories consist of someone stepping away from the crowd, recognising an opportunity that virtually everybody else (ie conventional thinkers) has looked past.
Perhaps Dr Montoya sees CFS that way: a solvable problem; and one few other researchers recognise as a big opportunity.
I'm having trouble watching the video at the mill valley link.

Hi. Could you let me know if your still having problems with the video (they are now back online) - and if you are what browser (and version) your using if possible, and i can try and work out what the issue is.



Senior Member
Here's a partial transcript...

Sorry, I've had to remove it. I've been informed that some parts were not to be for public consumption, and at the moment I haven't the energy to go through line by line working out what to remove, and so have felt obliged to remove the whole thing.


Senior Member
Switzerland/Spain (Valencia)
Dr. Montoya: "...if this disease receive the attention, the amount of money, that is given to other disease, we will have the solution within a five-year period."

This sentence says it all, there's no more we need to know. This is what we have to demand in every country. And if we do it well, we could probably even reduce that timeframe.


Senior Member
Logan, Queensland, Australia
Hi eric_s, my mantra for many years has been we need more research. That requires funding, and funding requires political will. It is apparent that millions of disabled and sick and slowly dying patients do not matter. When the public and government react, it is due to alarm not disaster. If the disaster is not alarming, nothing happens. How do we get people alarmed? Bye, Alex