I'm very interested in GcMAF but at present can't afford it. So I have been looking for something that would work in a similar way.
I'm particularly intrigues by the fact that Glucans activate macrophages, which seems to be the way GcMAF works. They also seem to stimulate NK cells. However I'm no expert and would appreciate any input explanation regarding this aspect.
My question is, by taking Beta glucans, can I achieve the same macrophage activation as taking GcMAF?
This is some of the info on glucans I found on this non-commercial site.
Research Overview
An Arsenal of Immune Defense: Czop, Joyce K., The Role of Beta.-Glucan Receptors on Blood and Tissue Leukocytes in Phagocytosis and Metabolic Activation. Pathology and Immunopathology Research; 5:286-296. Harvard Medical School. 1986.
Quote: the presence of a particulate activator can rapidly initiate assembly and amplification of a host defense system involving humoral and cellular interactions with B-glucans. Animals pretreated with purified glucan particles are subsequently more resistant to bacterial, viral, fungal, and protozoan challenge, reject antigenically incompatible grafts more rapidly and produce higher titers of serum antibodies to specific antigens.
Administration of glucan particles stimulatesproliferation of macrophages and increases in phagocytic and secretory activities of macrophages. A cascade of interactions and reactions initiated by macrophage regulatory factors can be envisioned to occur and to eventuate in conversion of the glucan-treated host to an arsenal of defense.
Activation of Immune Defense Against Infectious Disease: Hunter K, Gault R, Jordan F, Mode of Action of B-Glucan Immunopotentiators-Research Summary Release, Department of Microbiology, University of Nevada School of Medicine, Jan 2001.
Quote: MG Beta Glucan has been shown to enhance the envelopment and digestion (phagocytosis) of pathogenic microorganisms that cause infectious diseaseThe Beta-1,3/1,6 glucans additionally enhance the ability of macrophages, one of the most important cells in the immune system, to kill tumor cells. Laboratory studies have revealed the new MG Glucan is significantly effective at activating macrophages, and via the macrophages, the entire immune cascade including T-Cells and B-Cells.
Immune Response Enhancement: Meira, D.A., et al; The Use of Glucan as Immunostimulant in the Treatment of Paracoccidioidomycosis; Am J. Trop Med Hyg 55(5), 496-503; 1996. Dept of Trop Dis, Dept of Microbio, State U of Sao Paulo, Brazil.
Quote: glucan enhances the immune response through stimulation of macrophages by increasing their number, size, and function, stimulates secretion of lysozyme and TNF by activated macrophages, increases the phagocytosis of antigens, activates the formation of granulocyte and monocyte colonies, and factors increased activity of T and B lymphocytes, as well as complement activation."
Viral Pathogens: Hunter K, Gault R, Jordan F; Mode of Action of B-Glucan Immunopotentiators-Research Summary Release, Department of Microbiology, University of Nevada School of Medicine, Jan 2001.
Quote: MG Glucan [micronized glucan insoluble particulate] has been shown to enhance the envelopment and digestion (phagocytosis) of pathogenic microorganisms [viral, bacterial, fungal, etc.] that cause infectious diseaseLaboratory studies have revealed the new MG Glucan is significantly effective at activating Macrophages, and via the Macrophages, the entire immune cascade including T-Cells and B-Cells.
I'm particularly intrigues by the fact that Glucans activate macrophages, which seems to be the way GcMAF works. They also seem to stimulate NK cells. However I'm no expert and would appreciate any input explanation regarding this aspect.
My question is, by taking Beta glucans, can I achieve the same macrophage activation as taking GcMAF?
This is some of the info on glucans I found on this non-commercial site.
Research Overview
An Arsenal of Immune Defense: Czop, Joyce K., The Role of Beta.-Glucan Receptors on Blood and Tissue Leukocytes in Phagocytosis and Metabolic Activation. Pathology and Immunopathology Research; 5:286-296. Harvard Medical School. 1986.
Quote: the presence of a particulate activator can rapidly initiate assembly and amplification of a host defense system involving humoral and cellular interactions with B-glucans. Animals pretreated with purified glucan particles are subsequently more resistant to bacterial, viral, fungal, and protozoan challenge, reject antigenically incompatible grafts more rapidly and produce higher titers of serum antibodies to specific antigens.
Administration of glucan particles stimulatesproliferation of macrophages and increases in phagocytic and secretory activities of macrophages. A cascade of interactions and reactions initiated by macrophage regulatory factors can be envisioned to occur and to eventuate in conversion of the glucan-treated host to an arsenal of defense.
Activation of Immune Defense Against Infectious Disease: Hunter K, Gault R, Jordan F, Mode of Action of B-Glucan Immunopotentiators-Research Summary Release, Department of Microbiology, University of Nevada School of Medicine, Jan 2001.
Quote: MG Beta Glucan has been shown to enhance the envelopment and digestion (phagocytosis) of pathogenic microorganisms that cause infectious diseaseThe Beta-1,3/1,6 glucans additionally enhance the ability of macrophages, one of the most important cells in the immune system, to kill tumor cells. Laboratory studies have revealed the new MG Glucan is significantly effective at activating macrophages, and via the macrophages, the entire immune cascade including T-Cells and B-Cells.
Immune Response Enhancement: Meira, D.A., et al; The Use of Glucan as Immunostimulant in the Treatment of Paracoccidioidomycosis; Am J. Trop Med Hyg 55(5), 496-503; 1996. Dept of Trop Dis, Dept of Microbio, State U of Sao Paulo, Brazil.
Quote: glucan enhances the immune response through stimulation of macrophages by increasing their number, size, and function, stimulates secretion of lysozyme and TNF by activated macrophages, increases the phagocytosis of antigens, activates the formation of granulocyte and monocyte colonies, and factors increased activity of T and B lymphocytes, as well as complement activation."
Viral Pathogens: Hunter K, Gault R, Jordan F; Mode of Action of B-Glucan Immunopotentiators-Research Summary Release, Department of Microbiology, University of Nevada School of Medicine, Jan 2001.
Quote: MG Glucan [micronized glucan insoluble particulate] has been shown to enhance the envelopment and digestion (phagocytosis) of pathogenic microorganisms [viral, bacterial, fungal, etc.] that cause infectious diseaseLaboratory studies have revealed the new MG Glucan is significantly effective at activating Macrophages, and via the Macrophages, the entire immune cascade including T-Cells and B-Cells.