Dannybex started a thread on how Jarrow's methylB12 contains citric acid, which attacks the teeth. So does ascorbic acid (vitamin C).
I asked a dentist friend how we should therefore protect our teeth. She gave these suggestions:

I asked a dentist friend how we should therefore protect our teeth. She gave these suggestions:
- Don't brush your teeth straight after acidic things.
- Brush your teeth before eating acidic vitamins using a high-fluoride toothpaste such as Duraphat 2800 or 5000 (prescription only from your dentist in the UK at least). Sensodyne claim that their Pronamel toothpaste is also protective.
- Or, use a high-fluoride mouthwash before the acidic vits.
- Tooth mousse, which you can get from your dentist, contains recaldent which is full of minerals and restores your tooth enamel - rub it onto your teeth with your finger straight after the acidic vits.
- Rather than chewing Vitamin C tablets, use soluble Vitamin C and drink it through a straw.
- Eat a piece of cheese after the acidic vits.