What brand of Bifidus is the best?


Senior Member
Based on my CDSA test , my bifidus level is very low. I have tried to make yogurt with Align, Yarrow bifidus , and Nature's way primadophilus with no success, while fermenting milk with Trader Joe's European yogurt is always easy . I guess this means bacteria in the supplements I used are not alive . Can somebody recommend a brand of probiotics with live Bifidus Bacteria?


Contaminated Cell Line 'RustyJ'
Mackay, Aust
Hi SaraM. I have been experimenting a bit with making my own yoghurt using probiotics. I have found an issue with the viability of probiotics and am interested in using bifudus. The Yarrow, is that one that doesn't require refrigeration? Only thing I can suggest is that the proprietary yoghurt mixes don't require as long to culture because of the additives. You may need as much as 24 hours to culture a probiotic yoghurt. You should be able to tell by smell whether it has gone off or not.

Let us know if you find a solution to this problem.


Senior Member
Hi Rusty. Yarrow brand needs refrigeration and I got it from a reputable supermarket, but my attempt was unsuccessful, even after 24 hours. I made another batch at the same time with store bought yougurt with no problem. I am starting to think that buying probiotics caps might be just a waste of money, while I need to find a very good bifidus source.


Senior Member
Thanks Rusty. I will get it in my next order from iherb. Nature's way was also stabilized .


Senior Member
Hi Sara where are you ? In the US there is customprobiotics.com they sell single strain Bifidus formula. Their pricing works out pretty cheap if you make your own yogurt with their strains.


Senior Member
Hi UNDCVR, thanks for the tip. But have you made yogurt with the bifidus you mentioned?

Thanks leaves. I will give this one a try, too.


Senior Member
You can make "yoghurt" from a lactobaccilus strain alone. (Some of us on this forum use l. casei shirota alone, I also use l. plantarum alone and l. rhamnosus alone). But as far as I've been able to work out you can't make "yoghurt" from bifidus strains alone. In commercial yogurts the 3 types of bacteris are there to act symbiotically and to give a yogurt with a consistently pleasant taste and stable consistency.

A good way to up your bifidus count may be to provide your existing bifidus with bifidus growth factors such as Pantethine (B5) or glucomannan....there are lots of other too. Once your Bifidus are strong your Lactobaccilus counts are supposed to naturally come up too.

I will have a go at culturing bifidus - just from what I've read most strains if not all are not likely to make decent yogurt.

HTH Anne.


Senior Member
Thanks Anne. My Lactobaccilus is very good and I also use B5 and sometimes inulin. The link I posted also suggests that bifidus needs other strains to grow. The problem is that acidophilus compete with bifidus, and as a result we cannot know if we are getting enough bifidus.


Contaminated Cell Line 'RustyJ'
Mackay, Aust
Found this item which says bifido needs other bacteria to make a suitable edible yoghurt. Apparently the some select bacteria do not affect the bidido concentrations, but actually enable their growth.

So a bifido/acidophilus or a bifido/bulgaricus may be the way to go, with this combination actually enabling bifido growth, and not leading to domination over bifido. Again it might be better to get a stabilized form.

Anyone already using something like this (from iherb) to make yoghurt?

Most of the bifidobacteria break down lactose in to lactic acid and acetic acid in the proportion of 2:3. This high concentration of acetic acid gives the product flat vinegar like taste and flavour, which will not go very well with the consumer. In order to obtain desired growth rate and flavour production in the bifidus milk, it is better to culture them along with other lactic acid bacteria. When cultured along with Lactobacillus acidophilus, the growth characteristics of bifidobacteria are not adversely affected.

Fortification of condensed whey solid and whey protein concentrate further boosted the growth of bifidobacteria. Symbiotic relationship exists between bifidobacteria and Streptococcus thermophilus when they are co-cultured. S.thermophilus releases carbon dioxide during fermentation of lactose, which provides the required anaerobic condition for the bifidobacteria, boosting its growth. A similar relationship also exists between the Lactobacillus bulgaricus and bifidobacteria; the former is highly proteolytic and breaks down casein in to peptides and amino acids, which favours the growth of the latter. In this way, the milk containing bifidobacterium or bifidus milk can indeed be manufactured with the available resources sans breast or human milk.


I also found this item which may help direct people to the best bifido combination.

Of the 24 different species of bifidus, 3 are considered normal inhabitants of the human gut. They include Bifidobacterium breve, Bifidobacterium infantis and Bifidobacterium longum. One that is commonly found in low-cost, low quality supplements is Bifidobacterium thermophilus (or Thermophilus) which is found in chickens, cattle and sewage.



Senior Member
nope im not making yoghurt from that. A lot of asd people cant handle strep strains (causing pandas/ ocd symptoms) I suspect I am sensitive also, that's why!
Leaves- are you having success with this brand? My friend has terrible bloating and candida following 2 colonics and trying to find something to help him. Thanks :)


West Australia
Says here you can raise bifidus levels using shirota strain. Dont ask me how that works
'Researchers have demonstrated the utility of probiotics for mood regulation in CFS patients [54]. Administration of Lactobacillus casei strain Shirota (LcS; 24 billion cfu/day) to adult patients meeting the formal diagnostic criteria for CFS, was found at eight weeks to cause a significant rise in both Lactobacillus and Bifidobacteria in those taking the LcS and there was also a significant decrease in anxiety symptoms [54]. The elevation of Bifidobacteria levels should be considered a positive finding, particularly when considering that Bifidobacteria levels may be low in CFS' [18].


Senior Member
Can somebody recommend a brand of probiotics with live Bifidus Bacteria?

In this thread, when you speak of "bifidus" bacteria, what species or genus of bacteria are you actually referring too?


Senior Member
Any species that help.

Am I right in assuming that "Bifidus" means Bifidobacterium bacteria?

My Comprehensive Digestive Stool Analysis (performed a few years ago) measured friendly bacteria levels under three types:

• Lactobacillus species
• Bifidobacterium
• Escherichia coli