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WPI Statement


Senior Member
Cornwall England

Statement from Whittemore Peterson Institute
by Whittemore Peterson Institute on Monday, October 3, 2011 at 9:32pm

'The Whittemore Peterson Institute is announcing the departure of Dr. Judy Mikovits from WPI. We wish to thank her for her previous work and commitment. The WPI remains committed to a comprehensive research program. Our research team and program remains active, and our lab open to authorized employees. We will continue the critical work of finding answers to M.E. and related diseases.We will use the opportunity created by the departure of Dr. Mikovits to do a full evaluation of our research lab and current research projects. WPI is dedicated to the highest standards in research and patient care, and to advocating for the patients, families and caregivers we exist to serve.'

So Research continues? Different Mikovits? Any ideas?


Phoenix Rising Founder
Good for them - a re-evaluation of their program will enable them to get a fresh start, if that is needed. They had and I guess still have, a strong slate of immune research.

I think this is a big learning experience for Annette and I wish her the best.


Senior Member
The evaluation of research lab and current research projects created does sound much like some change of emphases in their investigations perhaps....differences of opinion maybe in the past ?


Senior Member
Good for them - a re-evaluation of their program will enable them to get a fresh start, if that is needed. They had and I guess still have, a strong slate of immune research.

I think this is a big learning experience for Annette and I wish her the best.

If she wants to succeed, she should consider resigning as President. This whole thing was not handled well.


Senior Member
Cornwall England
'Whittemore told the Health Blog that she and Mikovits were not seeing eye-to-eye on who controlled the cells. Research on retroviruses and their possible connection to CFS as well as other diseases continues, she said. We will keep going down that path as long as it continues to show promise, Whittemore says.'

Sorry this just added to Amy Dockser-Marcus' article.

So retroviruses are a go? I can't get a bead on any of this anymore...


Senior Member
Long Beach, CA

Statement from Whittemore Peterson Institute
by Whittemore Peterson Institute on Monday, October 3, 2011 at 9:32pm

'The Whittemore Peterson Institute is announcing the departure of Dr. Judy Mikovits from WPI. We wish to thank her for her previous work and commitment. The WPI remains committed to a comprehensive research program. Our research team and program remains active, and our lab open to authorized employees. We will continue the critical work of finding answers to M.E. and related diseases.We will use the opportunity created by the departure of Dr. Mikovits to do a full evaluation of our research lab and current research projects. WPI is dedicated to the highest standards in research and patient care, and to advocating for the patients, families and caregivers we exist to serve.'

That seems about as clear as mud to me. But they probably had their lawyers review the statement before they released it, since that would be a good idea if they're embroiled in an intellectual property rights struggle, along with personnel issues. The only thing that seems clear from that is that they don't plan to close down the research lab permanently.

It appears as though all parties involved get low marks in "plays well with others." And while the turf wars go on, the patients are the losers.


Senior Member
New England
"It appears as though all parties involved get low marks in "plays well with others."

Thanks for the laugh, ix. This is true of so many human relationships!