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Which articles do doctors need to see?


Senior Member
@TrishaMafia Is that different to the guide I linked to in the post you quoted? I am getting a bit confused now.

@CFS_for_19_years That is a good idea. I will see if my dad has sent the stuff off already and if not I will swap out the PACE reanalysis for that article.

@Glycon That is another good suggestion. Certainly that guide does have more information.
nah it's the same. i had not seen that you posted the link to the Clinician's guide. :)


Senior Member
Devon UK
Would you mind sharing what you have written to them when completed. I would love such document to give to doctors and my local health authority?


Senior Member
Would you mind sharing what you have written to them when completed. I would love such document to give to doctors and my local health authority?

Unfortunately much of the discussion took place by telephone. Sharing the articles with them was the culmination of that call. We didn't add anything else to the email.


Senior Member
Devon UK
I will find all the links and print them off, especially for my cardiologist who seems to know nothing about it. It would be a great resource to have if you need to go to A&E, which can be a total nightmare as many of us have found out to our cost.


Senior Member
Just a thought, I wonder how many NHS commissioning group regions we cover here in PR, and whether we can send the same links to all our local groups around the country.

They surely should be interested in closing down expensive and useless CBT GET clinics. We may be stymied by the NICE guidelines though as I think they're obliged to follow them.

I'm in Dorset. As a start I'll have a go at finding out on line who the local bosses are here. Guess I should also contact the local ME association group to see whether they're up to speed on all this.

When I can find the energy... Sigh! :ill: