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What Is A Rife Machine?


Senior Member
Ashland, Oregon
I vaguely remember a post recently where somebody asked, "What exactly is a Rife machine?" The following link gives a fairly brief and succinct answer to this question:

What Is A Rife Machine?

On the left hand side, just above the picture of the book entitled, "Lyme Disease and Rife Machines", (click here for Amazon Reviews) there's a link that says,

"Start here: What Is a Rife Machine?"

Author Bryan Rosner states in the first paragraph that Lyme Disease responds exceptionally to Rife therapies. I would assume most other L-Form bacteria would as well. Other pathogens can also be treated using various frequencies.

Regards, Wayne
Hi Wayne -

I actually just today left a post directed to you (on an ozone thread) about Rife. I've already done a lot of reading about Royal Rife's story and the use of his technology, and am convinced enough that it's worth trying.

Have you found a clinic that provides this therapy, or especially a reliable source for a Rife machine?

Thank you in advance, and I hope your recovery is progressing. Lisa


Senior Member
Ashland, Oregon
I actually just today left a post directed to you (on an ozone thread) about Rife. ... Have you found a clinic that provides this therapy, or especially a reliable source for a Rife machine? ... Thank you in advance, and I hope your recovery is progressing.

Hi Lisa,

On a post entitled Ordered GB-4000 a little over a month ago, I mentioned I had finally ordered a Rife machine, and am quite happy with this particular model. A naturopathic doctor I see occasionally told me he had been following the Rife technology for the past 40 years, and feels this model (which he uses in his practice) is the closest to the original Rife machine invented back in the 1930's. I then contacted the office of an MD/ND in the Bay area who treats both ME and Lyme, and discovered he uses this same machine in his practice.

A couple of features I like about this model is that you can run up to eight frequencies at one time. So the time it takes to do a Rife session can be 1/8 the amount of time it takes on other machines. I also liked the fact that it can be upgraded at a later date to a more powerful plasma tube configuration. If I had bought a plasma tube model at this time, it would have cost me close to $5K. Just thought starting out with the $1800 model made a lot more sense.

I'm sort of wearing down at this time, but will try to get to some of your other questions tomorrow some time.

Best Regards, Wayne


Moderation Resource Albuquerque
Hi Lisa,

On a post entitled Ordered GB-4000 a little over a month ago, I mentioned I had finally ordered a Rife machine, and am quite happy with this particular model....

A couple of features I like about this model is that you can run up to eight frequencies at one time. So the time it takes to do a Rife session can be 1/8 the amount of time it takes on other machines. I also liked the fact that it can be upgraded at a later date to a more powerful plasma tube configuration. If I had bought a plasma tube model at this time, it would have cost me close to $5K. Just thought starting out with the $1800 model made a lot more sense.

Best Regards, Wayne

Hi Wayne,

I have a rife machine manufactured by Global Wellness. Mine also lets you run several frequencies at once.

I got mine before the retrovirus question came up. I am wondering if anyone knows a frequency for the new gamma-retroviruses. Mine has one for HIV listed but I have been a bit cautious about trying it. Does your manual (Do you know the full name of your company) list anything for MLVs?



A shadow of my former self
I own a completely different machine. thinking of selling it & thinking of trying it again. I can post about this another time if anyone's interested, but fading fast tonight and my memory fails me at the moment.