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water "brand" that increases cellular hydration?


Senior Member
I really didn't know what to call this thread. I found this very interesting link on water treated with some sort of vibration technology which I don't really understand. It claims to be able to increase the amount of water getting inside the cells, thus better able to flush out toxins, hydrate etc. It has been through all kinds of tests which supposedly prove it works. But does it really?

Dehydration is a problem for me and I am always thirsty no matter how much I drink or what. And we could use more oxygen getting into our blood stream and cells. Would those of you who actually understand science be interested in taking a look at some of the so-called research and let me know if you think this could possibly have some merit or is just a load of crap.

Here is a link for a site selling bottles of the water, called Plato H2O
Here is a link for a site selling a machine to produce your own water M water technology.
There are 2 names that come up in association with this but I have never heard of either one -- Dr. David Wheeler (Chiropractor) the inventor and Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt MD (no idea what his connection is or if he has one).
They are both rather large sites with lots of info. Thanks.


Senior Member
And here is a link to Quackwatch on the subject.

If you're perpetually thirsty no matter how much you drink, talk to your doctor. It sounds like you should be checked out for diabetes.


Senior Member
I agree completely with Calathea! You need tested for diabetes asap.
This water stuff is a load of cr*p, I agree completely with Tito too.


Senior Member
Manchester UK
It may be a load of crap, but my experience is a la Schonberger (cuse spelling) cholorinated municipal water does me no favours. The quality of the largest substance you ingest IS important, different people have different takes of what represents quality. Fear of quackery should not make you credulous in accepting the status quo


Senior Member
I thought credulity was exactly what quackery exploits?

If you read The Night I Bought a Water Filter, which happens to be hilarious as well as informative, the writer talks about the total and utter scam used to sell it, but then says that he bought one because he had previously decided to get a water filter anyway for other reasons. Though he does point out that chlorinated water was a massive advance in public health. If you're worried about contaminants in your water, investigate properly and take appropriate action. There is no such thing as water that provides you with extra oxygen.

Bottled water, incidentally, is usually no better in quality than tap water in terms of either contaminants or minerals, and usually worse.


Senior Member
Sth Australia
Aileen.. I used to have constant severe thirst (due to low blood volume I think.. i just pee it out. I dont have diabetes). My constant severe thirst I'd had for ages was fixed by a very experienced homoeopath with just one treatment. It was amazing.. I went from having to get up about 6 times a night to pee to having to get up once at the most.

I still have POTS thou so still HAVE to drink a lot (even if Im not thirsty at all) if I want to go out anywhere in which I need to be on my feet if I want to avoid a collapse. Now I tend to just make myself drink rather then having the horrid thirst all the time.


Senior Member
San Francisco
I used to salt-load by drinking two liters of salt water per day. I forget how much salt I added, but it was on the order of one-half to one teaspoon per liter. I cleared it with my doc beforehand. At that time my BP was pretty low. I was also taking Florinef.

I found that once I got used to the taste the salt made me thirsty enough to drink it all, and it stayed with me until evening, when I peed it out. No harmful effects, but I can't say I had good results, either, because my CFS and POTS continued to get worse and worse. I may have shot myself in the foot by continuing to exercise (aerobics, yoga, hiking) even as my condition declined. Exercise is good for you, right? If it makes you tired, you need to do more!

Anyway, if you want the water to stay inside of you, add salt, but make sure your kidney function is good.

You can get a filter or buy filtered or distilled water (usually sold for steam irons), or you can let water sit for 24 hours so the chlorine evaporates. If you want those molecules to vibrate faster, boil your water. They'll vibrate so fast that they'll fly out of the pot! Really!
