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Vinpocetine - US Government (FDA) Threatens Use of Dietary Supplement


Hoarder of biscuits
On August 31, 2016, the FDA published in the Federal Register that it wants to remove vinpocetine from the marketplace. The FDA is not alleging that vinpocetine is unsafe, nor is the agency questioning its efficacy.[...]

The basis for the FDA banning vinpocetine is a technicality that has no scientific practicality. According to the FDA's misguided logic, since a new drug application was filed in 1981, then vinpocetine does not qualify today as a dietary supplement.

Year 1981 is not a misprint! The FDA is actually going back to a 35-year-old drug application and claiming this as a basis to rob your brain of a low-cost compound that has demonstrated efficacy in human clinical trials.

Http://vinpocetine.org has instructions for submitting public comments to the FDA and sending protest letters to Congress and the FDA.
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Oh, hai! I've got an unopened pot of vincopetine in the cupboard, but I can't remember why I bought it... can anyone remind me what it's for please?


Hoarder of biscuits
Oh, hai! I've got an unopened pot of vincopetine in the cupboard, but I can't remember why I bought it... can anyone remind me what it's for please?
Since it was first synthesized in the late 1960s, vinpocetine has been used to maintain and improve brain health and cognition. It is widely used in Japan and many European countries to treat a number of cerebrovascular diseases.[....]

Vinpocetine has effects on brain blood vessels, brain blood flow, and brain cells themselves. In this way, it can be of value in enhancing the delivery of oxygen and nutrients to the brain, as well as in possibly preventing the damage that occurs if nutrient delivery is impaired. Some research suggests that vinpocetine may also help to prevent the neurotoxic effects implicated in Alzheimer’s disease. [....]

Since 1978, vinpocetine has been commonly used in many countries to treat cerebral vascular diseases. It is currently approved for use in tablet form in 47 countries. The evidence for its use is strongest in the treatment of chronic cerebral vascular ischemia, though growing evidence suggests that it may be beneficial in treating or preventing acute ischemic strokes and various forms of dementia.

There's much more to read on http://www.lifeextension.com/magazine/2006/2/aas/page-01

I've used it to for tinnitus and cerebral blood flow (not saying that it did anything). Some consider it a nootropic.
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Vinpocetine knocked me out like a benzo and seems to have a half life like diazepam leaving me mildly depressed for a few days!