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VCS Test, Mold/ Co-Infections?


Senior Member
I took a online vcs test and scored terribly, i ended up getting about 50% both times I took it. I had 3 controls take it(all healthy) and they all scored normal and above normal on the same computer. How much merit does this test have? What tests should I be asking my DR. for now?

I need to learn more about mold. But maybe this is one of the major missing puzzle pieces for me. The only major symptoms I have left are Insomnia, Fatigue, Weakness, Rapid Heartbeat, and Shortness of breath upon exertion. Could mold do this?



Senior Member
Yes, those are classic mold symptoms.

For people who do poorly on that test, it seems pretty indicative of exposure to some kind of neurotoxin. Conceivably, it could be some other substance. But in most cases, mold seems to be a factor.

You could consider reading Dr. Shoemaker's discussion and following his path, with regard to testing.

But it might be easier to start out by trying out a different environment (preferably without any of your current possessions) to see how you do.

You also may want to take a look at the Paradigm Change website.
