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Valley Fever researchers use $4.8 million grant to speed development of vaccine for dogs


Senior Member
Truth or consequences, nm


Senior Member
@antares4141 , yaknow, I'm so used to being called a nutjob that i start to expect it, just like you it seems....

and no, i don't think mold is the only trigger for ME.

I think the start of it is multifactorial, then the system shuts down and produces an illness that is much alike for all of us.

I do not believe they will find a medicine for it, i do hope they'll start to take this illness serious, do not do more damage to patients making them even more sick.


Senior Member
Truth or consequences, nm
@antares4141 , yaknow, I'm so used to being called a nutjob that i start to expect it, just like you it seems....

and no, i don't think mold is the only trigger for ME.

I think the start of it is multifactorial, then the system shuts down and produces an illness that is much alike for all of us.

I do not believe they will find a medicine for it, i do hope they'll start to take this illness serious, do not do more damage to patients making them even more sick.

I don't really believe it either. Suspect it's an immune disorder. Like you stated is multifactorial. I hate to speculate cause I am always wrong but if I were to I would say mine was set off from occupational exposures to pesticides. But before that I was no stranger to all kinds of materials. Fiberglass occupationally, acetone, paint, other solvent's, fumes from torches and welders. I'm sure I am forgetting a lot of things.
Although I am still open to something totally different like a bacterial or viral infection of some kind. I've learned not to become too invested into any theory over the last two decades.