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URGENT reminder to UK residents: 12th July deadline


Senior Member
Unless you write to your GP surgery by 12 July your records will be added on automatically to the new central health records database.


Senior Member
Thank you. I need to do this.

I was planning to leave it, but the mroe I've read about it, the more problematic it seems. Especially if you've got something like CFS.


Senior Member
Esther, sorry about this but I've just learned that the deadline is different in different areas in the UK (mine is 12 July, I'm in south London...). Some areas do not even have one! In some it was a month ago.

apparently if you write AFTER your records have been put on database, they will leave them there but will make them 'hidden'. I haven't a faintest what that could mean...


Senior Member
Esther, sorry about this but I've just learned that the deadline is different in different areas in the UK (mine is 12 July, I'm in south London...). Some areas do not even have one! In some it was a month ago.

apparently if you write AFTER your records have been put on database, they will leave them there but will make them 'hidden'. I haven't a faintest what that could mean...

Thanks for the update. I've just printed out the form to opt-out, and thought I'd check back here for the deadline. I'll have to ring my GP on Monday to find out if I'm in time.
