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Unpopular idea: witchcraft for general wellbeing?

I've always been a fan of trying something out just for the sake of it (we only have this life, right?). I found an authentic gypsy witch (did some research, she checks out). I'm tempted to try something out from her.
If there are open minded people on this forum, preferably with some knowledge on this matter (gypsy witches, spell craft), would you mind sharing your opinion?


Senior Member
After an open-minded examination of the evidence around witchcraft I can knowledgeably inform you that it's one of those ideas which is unpopular only because it's utter nonsense. It would be much better to donate the money to help fund some decent medical research, eg: http://www.meresearch.org.uk/

Unless you have infinite resources, trying one thing out means doing less of others. We only have one life so it's best to try to live it as wisely as possible.

edit: This post sounded a bit hostile when I read after posting. Didn't mean it to... but the authentic Gypsy witch 'checks out'? If her magic powers 'check out', she should be the most famous person in the world, not surreptitiously taking money from sick and desperate people in exchange for her claimed miracles.
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No, not Aleister. The King of Hell from Supernatural. If I was Aleister, I'd try to recruit people right? :D


The wise nematode hibernates
I found an authentic gypsy witch (did some research, she checks out).
What research did you do, and how did she check out? Did you do trial by accursed morsel, or something more thorough? Hope you don't mind my asking, but I'm a bit suspicious of witches.


Senior Member
Sth Australia
No, not Aleister. The King of Hell from Supernatural. If I was Aleister, I'd try to recruit people right? :D

Maybe you still will. sorry for being suspicious but with that nic and an enquiry on this subject for many it will arouse suspicion. So I have to wonder into what "realms" this will all head :p **really wondering which way this is all going to go. Will you come back and say you went to this gypsy healer and are cured?? and then by pm start to recruit others to go and see her and pay too** lol I did warn you that I was feeling suspicious with how you are presenting.

That being said, I do take this subject matter quite seriously, so will do a serious post for it.


wiggle jiggle
i tried hypnotists (clinical) and astrologists, card readers, palm readers.

former said 'it was my father'
the latter said im of good health and wouldnt have anything to worry.


Senior Member
Sth Australia
" If there are open minded people on this forum, preferably with some knowledge on this matter (gypsy witches, spell craft), would you mind sharing your opinion? "

I've known some amazing healers over the years and seen them work miracles on various health conditions. (I used to work as a healer myself and give demos at mind, body, psychic expos so know a lot of healers of various types, the most amazing ones though you wont see at psychic/healing expos). From this I say there are probably people out there who do have the power to "cure" ME/CFS as Ive seen other things fixed which are said to be incurable including one man who had severe neurological tick and jerking which had contorted his body. What was amazing about him was a big group of us healers (a few hundred of us) had previously tried to heal him but all we managed to do is lessen the rate of his ticks, it took a far more powerful yogi healer who actually fixed the guy in seconds when we couldn't do it.. crazy amount of healing power there in that one as most of us who as a group had tried were experienced healers.

With your nic sounds like you could be into the darker kind of magick stuff. I personally would only recommend healers who work with the higher frequency energies or the more neutral kind of prana eg earth prana as others could contaminate your energy field and if you are already sick, you already have blocks and negative energy etc in your energy field (Ive heard of a couple of people ending up with worst issues after a healing). Some (many?) gypsies work with darker energies, ones more likely to cause blocks.

With my own working on myself and several others with ME, Ive found we often have dirty energy esp around our spleen areas (spleen chakra).. no matter how often I clear it, it quickly is dirty there again. If you do go to the gypsy but don't tell her that, I'd be very interested in what she finds and has to say about your energy field if she can feel or see them and I suggest to ask her where she's getting her healing energy from. (a good healer will never have it coming from themselves but will be channelling it from some source).


Senior Member
England, UK
With your nic sounds like you could be into the darker kind of magick stuff. I personally would only recommend healers who work with the higher frequency energies or the more neutral kind of prana eg earth prana as others could contaminate your energy field and if you are already sick, you already have blocks and negative energy etc in your energy field (Ive heard of a couple of people ending up with worst issues after a healing). Some (many?) gypsies work with darker energies, ones more likely to cause blocks.

I agree 100%. :thumbsup:

I'd definitely be interested to hear what happens.


Senior Member
I've always been a fan of trying something out just for the sake of it (we only have this life, right?). I found an authentic gypsy witch (did some research, she checks out). I'm tempted to try something out from her.
If there are open minded people on this forum, preferably with some knowledge on this matter (gypsy witches, spell craft), would you mind sharing your opinion?
Hi, yes I'll try a lot of things. If it gets me results I don't mind how ridiculous it seems to other people. Usually I can offer a sensible explanation for its effects later on, when I've learned more about my body and its workings. Which is why I don't dismiss weird approaches upfront.

I've tried Shamanism, hypnosis, Gupta, Reiki, illegal hormones, aura cleansing, yoga, meditation, mindfulness and Reverse Therapy.
The yoga was harmful. Gupta and Reverse Therapy was succesful.

Shamanism is more of a spiritual religion than a therapy and I view witchcraft the same way. That being said, these are ways to influence the subconscious or the nervous system and they can be useful because of that.
Shamanic travels get me the Relaxation Response, the same that Reverse Therapy and meditation and mindfulness seek. But with a spiritual bonus. Which is too colourful to put into words.
Who knows what your witch can access.

I say: go for it. Your gut seems to want to.