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The Importance of Renter's Insurance


Senior Member
For anyone who rents a house or an apartment. My renter's insurance really came through this week.

The building I live in has been working on adding central air conditioning to each of our apartments. And we've had all these workers keep coming in and out.

Last week, several of the workers plugged their power tools into one of my computer's power strips and it fried my tower. It was an older pc, but it was working perfectly till they murdered it.

It took me a day to remember that I have renter's insurance and I had gotten extra special coverage for my computers. Called them up, and low and behold, they are paying for me to get a new computer. I had a custom special old Gateway and they said because it was so special, it was worth more than I thought. You can't get a comparable system, at least not for a low price. So they really came through for me.

I only pay about ten dollars a month for the renter's insurance. Not sure if this will raise my premium. They weren't sure because it's not a very large claim.

For the ten dollars a month, I'm covered for theft, fires, floods, electrical damage, all kinds of stuff. And it's well worth it. If you rent a home or apartment, you should check into getting rental insurance. Most major insurance places have it like State Farm and Nationwide. And it's cheap.