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Taking Jarrow b12 with sodium bicarbonate tablets?


Senior Member
Las Vegas, Nevada
Has anyone done this? Citric acid is killing my teeth. I got to do something. Seriously looking into getting a losenge script so i can get it from a compounding pharmacy w out all the nonsense such as sweeteners, citric acid, flavors. But in a meanwhile i got to take the Jarrow I have , so i was wondering has anyone took it with sodium bicarbonate tablets? Would it work? My teeth became so sensitive i can barely chew and cring in pain while brushing or using mouth wash. Its terribe. I also cant take any other brand because of sweeteners, which ruin my gut. Any advice or insight is very very welcome.


Senior Member
Hi Anteah. It will fizz if you use it at the same time as the Jarrows, but holding some bicarb mixed with water in your mouth after using the tablet and swishing it around your teeth certainly works. Using a sensitive teeth toothpaste can help a lot too. I use a remineralising one now in the hope that it might offset any damage that the citric acid is doing.

The other thing that helps is to cut the tablet into half so you end up with 2 half circle pieces, then in half the other way so they are thin half circles. Then jam these up in the space between the upper gum and lip as high up as they will go. It's hard to get the knack to get the tablets to cut cleanly, you need a very sharp knife and a quick "guillotine" action. If you don't move your mouth too much then very little touches the actual tooth surface. Still, you get some irritation via the roots I think.

I have switched to a different brand now, but I think you might have problems with the ingredients. They seem quite mild in flavouring and sweetness, and far more effective than the jarrows. The tablets are smaller too which makes them easier to use. http://www.iherb.com/Life-Extension-Methyl-Cobalamin-5-mg-60-Lozenges/43166


Daughters High School Graduation
Upstate SC, USA
If is just your teeth hurting you could try the Sensodyne toothpaste. It just basically uses an alkanline potassium nitrate. Just don't brush right after using the B-12 because that citric acid has softened your enamel and you want to wait 45 mins. to 1 hour to allow the enamel to stiffen back up. This is true for any acidic food especially soft drinks, never brush your teeth right after consuming them.

Are you putting them under your tongue or between you cheek and gum? I know there have been some recommendations by some to use the sublinguial tablets between your cheek and gum, but I honestly do not think that is the best thing to do. Usually medicinal tablets that are to be used between cheek and gum are called transmucosal and usually they will have a "fizzing" property to them, so they will not stay in that area long because of deteriorating the gums. Sublinguial can last quite awhile and are not usually advised to bed used between cheek and gum, but only under the tongue.

I have had a compounding pharmacy make some Co-Q10 trouches for me before to be used under the tongue, but they were not the least bit acidic. It was like a small "gummie" square and it dissolved really slow.

Good Luck!


Senior Member
Las Vegas, Nevada
Hi, Adster and August. Great suggestions, thanks a lot, guys! I do split them in two already and use it between the upper gum and a cheek, in any other place (including under the tongue) they dissolve way to quickly. I use Sensodine Pronamel, and my teeth are still incredibly sensitive, can't imagine how bad it'd be if I didn't use it. I tried putting some baking soda under the pill and it did fizz some but not too bad so I think maybe I will oreder Sodium Bicarbonate tabs and see what happens. My next try is holistic heal drops. Cant imagine them work as good as jarrow but got to try before trying to get a script for custom MB12 lozenges. What a pain though! I wish they removed that citric acid from there, considering may people have been having issues with it.


Senior Member
Hi Anteah
I used to get really bad mouth pain from the b12. I started using the Pronamel AND Sensodyne toothpastes. I have had sensitive teeth my whole life. I've complained to my dentist for a couple of years about the pain. He had no suggestions since I was already using sensitive toothpaste. When I started using b12 the pain got really bad. I finally figured out that if I increased my calcium intake the pain went away. I have celiac and I'm on proton pump inhibitors so calcium absorption is a problem for me. Maybe check to see you're getting at least the RDA of calcium daily. Oh and try Sensodyne as well as the Pronamel toothpastes. Good luck.