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Sudden energy bursts - what could it be?

Hello. For a long time (since puberty, now i'm 30) i've been having a problem falling asleep. Before, i was able to wake up rested when sleeped long enough. Rested means for me, that i don't feel that my head is "heavy", i don't yawn entire day and simply i don't think about how i'm sleepy and tired entire day.. (when i don't sleep long enough, i also have other troubles - white "dead" face, my skin, mainly on face, is burning or how to describe it and my brain is just not working..and my hair falls which make me angry..)

But now, i'm able to get that rest only occasionally. Sometimes on weekends, when i can sleep longer, it's a total dissaster. I'm a living zombie for the entire day. But sometimes i will get some rest, but don't feel refreshed, have only little energy. Also i don't feel sleepy in the evening - i can work/watch tv till 3-4am, when my eyes starts to burn, but am just not sleepy. But I'm trying to go to bed before 22 and with a help of melatonin can fall asleep before 1.

Now what happened to me maybe only 4 times (yes, so rare) when i was trying to fall asleep is this sudden burst of "something" which i felt mainly in the head. I could almost feel like something was spilling there. Suddenly i was feeling like after a hour nap in the times when i was young. Clear mind and energy... Like my brain was suddenly unlocked. Maybe i can compare it to when you have an urge to pee and then you finally do it.. And i for certain can tell, i had not microsleep.
Could this be some hormone, or what it was?


But I Look So Good.
Left Coast
My brain seems to wake up the longer I am awake. It's pretty common in ME/CFS to feel better later in the day than mornings.

I can barely function before 3 or 4 pm when my brain finally engages. I have to force myself to stay in bed at night so I can attempt to sleep.


Senior Member
Lol, I'm just the opposite, I'm usually a mess late in the day, like after 3. My best is usually like 12pm- 2 pm.(could be I overdo then crash)

occasionally I get this thing where I wake up at 2-3am and am wide awake, not like really energetic like I could clean the house but not sleepy till 4-5 am. I try to go to sleep at 10. If I go much later IE After11:30 I'll not sleep at all till 4-5am.

not related to anything I can connect, just weirdly wired brain
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When i wake up unrested, i never recover from it during the day. Maybe i yawn less later in the day, but i feel bad all day. Sometimes i wake up rested, but it goes down in an hour and sometimes i wake up fine and can go thru entire day and all is fine.
I read in another thread here (from Barry) how he has to sleep 8 hours and then 2 hours, that's totally like me. After first wake up (usually 7-8 hours) i feel like i have low pressure (no pressure..) and life sux. (but i measured it and it's fine, it's something another), those additional 1-2 hours can change everything (but not always, sometimes it's worse as i described in the first post). With less sleep i'm just a zombie.
I was also taking low dose of mirtazapine for sleep, doesn't change anything except i don't wake up at 5am so often and has dry mouth in the morning.. The doctor thinks i've depression, but i don't think that you can take a nap and if lucky the depression is gone, can you? Can i be bipolar or something like that? I feel more like i've some hormones broken, but the docs refused to do me any tests about that (well, you pay and we smile..social system).


Senior Member
New Zealand
I think that this might be due to low cortisol levels... I find that I feel awful when I wake, and I try to get up very slowly in the mornings! My cortisol stress tests have been 'normal' even though my morning cortisol is low.


Senior Member

Do you have ME/CFS? That might factor into the cause of and treatment for your sleep problems.


Senior Member
When i wake up unrested, i never recover from it during the day. Maybe i yawn less later in the day, but i feel bad all day. Sometimes i wake up rested, but it goes down in an hour and sometimes i wake up fine and can go thru entire day and all is fine.
I read in another thread here (from Barry) how he has to sleep 8 hours and then 2 hours, that's totally like me. After first wake up (usually 7-8 hours) i feel like i have low pressure (no pressure..) and life sux. (but i measured it and it's fine, it's something another), those additional 1-2 hours can change everything (but not always, sometimes it's worse as i described in the first post). With less sleep i'm just a zombie.
I was also taking low dose of mirtazapine for sleep, doesn't change anything except i don't wake up at 5am so often and has dry mouth in the morning.. The doctor thinks i've depression, but i don't think that you can take a nap and if lucky the depression is gone, can you? Can i be bipolar or something like that? I feel more like i've some hormones broken, but the docs refused to do me any tests about that (well, you pay and we smile..social system).
Those I know who are depressed don't really feel better after they sleep,. You can find some tests online that easily help you rule that out. Bipolar can cycle quickly but do you feel different, for example on top of the world, lots more creative, something you don't feel otherwise? Some people with bipolar disorder don't have the very extreme highs but I know many have felt they were" different" for years. If you really think that DX might fit you see a mental health pro.
So i tried to go to the bed at 19:30-20:30 last week (whole week), fall asleep maybe at 22:00 (with some sleep tea and some days had to take mirtazapine) and slept till 9:00 and i was fine (with several awakenings after 4:00). But i had to took half day vacation for that. Because when i get to work at 10 i have to be there till 18:30-19 and then i get home at 19:30 and have to eat and do some housework..simply this is not acceptable. Yesterday i stayed up longer (maybe 23:30) because of some work and today i woke up at 8, couldn't fall asleep and am totally sick. Wish i could hibernate through this..

Do you have ME/CFS? That might factor into the cause of and treatment for your sleep problems.
My hematologist did some basic blood tests (no hormones, only minerals, b12, d3) told me there's nothing wrong, told me it could be chronic fatigue and that it's common today and that's just it. And sold me some vitamins (which i like because wanted to buy some and he saved me route to the pharmacy, but generaly i'm so disgusted of doctors trying to prescribe and sell me everything they can each time..). But looking at it i think i've low d3 (and am taking supps).


Senior Member
Is sleep or lack of it your only problem? Chronic fatigue is different than chronic fatigue syndrome/me. You can be tired all the time due to a hectic life, sleep apnea etc. But Me/CFS has usually abrupt beginning, flu like, pain, neurological problems etc. You could go to a sleep Dr. and see what they say