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Stool testing.. how accurate?

With my history of severe dysbiosis, parasites etc, I have had a lot of stool testing done.
I have seen a number of conflicting results with comprehensive stool tests.. including....

Parasite tests - positive,, then negative,then positive etc etc

Digestive Enzyme Markers.. huge conflicts between elastase, and chymotrypsin depending on lab used.
Chymotrypsin tested very low. Elastase tested normal. ( digestive enzymes are very very helpful to me despite test results )

Gluten - extremely wide variation in gluten markers.. on one occasion samples done the same day at the same lab gave very different results.

Has anyone had occasion to test the accuracy of any of these labs via ..
Identical samples sent to the same lab?
Identical samples sent to different labs?

These tests tend to be multiple tests in one.. ie they may test 25 different factors as part of one kit. Clearly some of these subfactors will have higher accuracy than others. Any information regarding which aspects of the tests are more, or less, accurate would be helpful.