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Should I take the steroids or not? Advice sought


Senior Member
Manchester UK
No, just the usual stuff. I have thought about long acting but wanted to use a circadian method a la Paul Robinson, and thought would stick with short acting.

Still on 2.5 of pred, feel like I've been run over, but have also restarted augmentin.


Senior Member
Manchester UK
hi everyone
Day four off the prednisolone. I was only on a short course, not that high dose, so no medals deserved...thanks for advice on gradual taper, because short course or not, I did feel it. They did help with the eye issue. Whether or not that now rebounds remains to be seen. I also got some of the macuhealth stuff, thank for tip @stridor.
It can be tricky weaning off of corticosteroids. I have tried 3 times and failed x 3. I will not be trying again. A good guess would be that even if a long-time user like myself did have enough adrenals to support the project that it could still take 12 - 18 months. It is a very slow, incremental process and most people fail because they won't listen to what their body is trying to tell them.

For those doing a short course the process is easier. That said, a percentage of us do feel better on adrenal replacement because our adrenals are shot. A proposed short course of steroids and failure to wean could be the first recognized sign. There is a lot of overlap between ME and low adrenal function.

The main adrenal supports (off the top of my head) are B2, B5, Vitamin C and ACE - which is adrenal cortical extract. It seems to be fairly important to focus on this one as opposed to whole glandular products which also may have small amounts of adrenaline etc.

ACE seems to work in 2 ways. One it provides the materials that adrenals are made of - therefore raw materials. Also, it (theoretically) puts into circulation elements that tell the hypothalamus that everything is fine in "adrenal-land" and that it should ease off the trigger a bit. When the hypothalamus stops "flogging the dead horse", this allows for healing to take place and the adrenals to start functioning again....rebooting, as it were.

There are other products with various herbals including licorice and ashwagandha which also are helpful for some.

Thank you, Stridor, and to sianrecovery (not sure I spelled that right) for the advice about adrenal fatigue and Prednisone.

I still feel horrible, weepy, can't sleep even worse than before Prednisone, even achy after tapering off the short dose of Prednisone. I have a dr appt tomorrow which will do no good, of course.

Adrenal Cortex Extract/ACE was one thing recommended--are there any scary side effects? Is it dangerous?

I will look for real licorice but in the past have only been able to find artificial. I love it so if I can find it I will eat it.

I actually do have some Ashwandha but I only took it for a few days and thought it might be making me sick. If you are recommending it --and you sound like you know what you are talking about--I will take it. How long does it take to see any results?

ONE important thing if I can help anyone--you are RIGHT about not taking DHEA if you are high estrogen. I was given it back around 2001 by a well meaning alternative doctor and within months I developed estrogen type breast cancer. I know this is not proof but I've always thought it caused the bc and what I have just read here reinforces my belief. I am very wary about messing with my hormones now.

Maybe that's why I am even scared of the ACE or the Ashwandha.
Yesterday after reading on here I went to the health food store and bought vitamin C and a homeopathic liquid called Adrenal Support (by NatraBio). I have also taken NAC the past few nights. Strange to say but I am starting to feel a little bit better after that taper off from a short dose of Prednisone.

I'm afraid of other ways of helping the adrenals, the ones that also raise estrogen like licorice, DHEA. That's getting into dangerous territory. I am also taking Ashwanga --but that may raise estrogen. So I don't know what's working but something seems to be. Maybe it's the homeopathic adrenal support--it contains actual adrenal extract.