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Shaken Baby Syndrome - Damage Can Be Caused by Infection - [Not Shaking]


Senior Member
Ashland, Oregon
It's now known "infections" can cause all the major symptoms of shaken baby syndrome, including severe damage to the brain. Made me think the many pwCFS on this board whose major brain dysfunction began following an acute infection. -- Kudos to PBS for their continued reporting on this over the years. [I think Judy Woodruff is doing an excellent job heading up the PBS Newshour.]

10-Min. PBS NEWSHour Video Segment

When babies die, a disputed diagnosis sends parents to prison for abuse

Regarding Shaken Baby Syndrome

JACKIE JUDD: The set of findings or symptoms is often known as the triad — bleeding behind the eyes, bleeding around the brain and swelling of the brain. ...... it is now understood that accidents, like falls, infections, blood disorders, even the birthing process, can cause some of the same symptoms once widely believed tied only to shaking.


Senior Member
Ashland, Oregon
This segment also made me think of whether vaccinations could cause SBS symptoms as well. My understanding is that whatever affects the immune system affects the brain. It would seem plausible that in a certain number of instances, an infant could go into some kind of shock from a vaccination its immature immune system was unable to tolerate.

I've long found it disconcerting how many members on this board have reported becoming very ill following vaccination(s). Also, how many reports have implicated vaccinations in Gulf War Syndrome. I seem to remember reading that it's now estimated as many as 100K vets have died of Gulf War Syndrome, most of whom experienced major brain dysfunction.
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Senior Member
Somewhere near Glasgow, Scotland
yeah and number of people especially women jailed wrongly for shaken baby syndrome....

the Gulf War folk were exposed to sarin nerve gas, other OP chemicals which damage the nervous system/brain,and biological weapons US/Uk had given Saddam to field test on the Iranians (one of many reasons why the Iranians are pissed off at our governments, fyi)
and yeah the poor gits were dosed with 16 iirc vaccines in 2 week schedule
I read two versions of a UK military report on folk who were vaccinated but didn't go to the Gulf, and "official" version said they were fine, unofficial one said they got sick but can't remember link etc was good few years ago., and UK government is sooooo good at covering up it's misdeeds