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Several questions regard Vitami B12 supplementation


I suspect that I might have a B12 deficit or possibly a MTHFR defect. According to a video presentation on youtube a Pectus Excavatum is a major sign of a Methylation problem. I have the opposite, Pectus Canarum, "pigeons chest". I guess this would also count.

I also have different other health problems which I read could be signs of Methylation problems: Chronic visual disturbances, chronic bladder pain, burning urination, chronic pelvic pain and others.

I took a normal B12 blood test so far and it was pretty low with 400 (200-900). Folic Acid was 19,2 (5,4-17,5)! So it was elevated.

Unfortunately I am still pretty new to this whole biochemical selfanalysis, but I suspect that could be a deficit right? High folic Acid could also mean low cellular foliate right?

Right now I cant really afford to make more comprehensive tests like MMA, Homocystein, Holo-TC, which could be a more acurate test for Vitamin B12 right?

My question is: Should I wait until I can afford making the more accurate tests before I start supplementing OR could I just start taking Vitamin B12 sublingually and see if it does anything?

Also since I am new, there are so many different protocolls here, what do I really have to take to correct a Vitamin B12 deficit?

A good Multivitamine, Fishoil, extra zinc, extra Vitamine D, Methylcobalamin, Dibencozide and 5-MTHF, would that be sufficient?

Can I first just take Methylcobalamin sublingually for a few days and see what happens before I start buying all the additional cofactors?

Are preformulated products like AOR maxMethyl any good or should I really take the B12 on its own under the tongue?

What do you think about AORs Methylcobalamin Ultra - 15 mg lozenge?

Is 15 mg too much or could I take that product? (I really like AORs products...).

Best regards,


Senior Member
Northcoast NSW, Australia
I don't see this AOR product, even on AOR site. 15mg is probably a high dose for experimenting. many people here have good results with Enzymatic Therapies MB12 sublingual, 1mg. Generally starting w/ B12 before adding in folate is a good way to go.

First link in my signature has a good simplified version of Freddd;s Protocol, including brands.

Great image in your avi.;)


Senior Member
New Mexico
I just ordered global healing b-12 liquid. I chose this brand because it is a liquid and does not contain ANY preservatives. It is 80% methylcobalamin and 20% adenosylcobalamin.


Senior Member
Hm, just glycerin and water, that looks good. Could be a good base for a DIY transdermal cream. Roughly $1 for a 2.5mg dose is a bit high, though. I'd also like to see a higher level of adenosyl, too. Almost 80/20 in the other direction.


Senior Member
New Mexico
Hm, just glycerin and water, that looks good. Could be a good base for a DIY transdermal cream. Roughly $1 for a 2.5mg dose is a bit high, though. I'd also like to see a higher level of adenosyl, too. Almost 80/20 in the other direction.
Me too...............I e-mailed the company to see if they would or have considered an all adeno liquid and never heard anything back. The only place so far that I can see that sells adeno liquid without preservatives is Metabolics out of the UK.