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Sepsis and mitodisfunction cured by stemcells

Sepsis is mentioned recently in me/cfs research and by researchers.
They say inflammation in me/cfs looks like sepsis. Only difference is that in me/cfs it looks more like slow chronic low grade sepsis instead of acute sepsis.

I read this article about injecting mesenchymal stemcells in mice induced sepsis as a way of restoring mitodna and metabolic pathways. Hence lowering cytokines, ros and sepsis.

My questions are

1. are there me/cfs studies that have looked at mitochondrial muscle stem cells?
2. The article mentions of a decrees of Pgc1a as a master regulator of ROS detoxification, gluconeogenesis, mito biogenesis, metabolism and muscle wasting. Is this also the case in me/cfs? Has this been studied maybe genetic defect of Pgc1a?
I have read in one research that in fm patients Pgc1a is lower than me and healthy control
3. Can these stemcell be a key to solving this disease as is the case in the mouse model with sepsis? Just thinking out loud...I know mice are not human beings. But using your own stemcells is not a bad idea..
4. Jose montoya mentioned in one of his recent presentations wanting to look at stem cells..has this some relations?

Sepsis induces long-term metabolic and mitochondrial muscle stem cell dysfunction amenable by mesenchymal stem cell therapy


Senior Member
I also have eosinophilic esophagitis and MCAS in addition to ME and I seem to have mitochondrial damage to my esophagus and stomach from a combination of continual mast cell activation, inflammation and malnutrition (limited diet and malabsorption). This was all made a lot worse years ago by giving me a highly toxic antibiotic, furazolidone, that I never really recovered from (I went into a kind of toxic shock losing 6kgs over the 10 days I was on it and gained many new symptoms especially affecting upper GI, throat, sinuses and mouth and was stupid to have persisted with the treatment but I was very naive at that point).

I've been starting to suspect lately that my ME is almost completely linked to the mitochondrial dysfunction in my stomach and esophagus because all my worst symptoms very much seem to ebb and flow with what's going on with those 2 organs. Even physical exertion seems to somehow exacerbate these organs first then cause a cascade that results in body wide symptoms and if CDR/dauer becomes a confirmed thing in this disease then I think the origin of mine is in these organs as well.

Why I mention this is because I've been wondering about how stem cell therapy might help this and I'm pretty certain about the mitochondrial damage but would love to know if there is a way to confirm it that's used in clinical practice rather than just in research?

It seems like stem cell therapy for something like this isn't likely to be available any time soon.